Natural disasters and emergencies frequently cause power outages that can compromise the quality and safety of food. These flyers include tips to reduce food safety risks during a power outage for households, food suppliers, vendors, food industry inspectors and workers.
After a flood, food that has been in contact with flood-water may have become unsafe for human consumption. These flyers include tips to reduce food safety risks in the event of a flood for households,
Fires, explosions and volcanic eruptions can damage and contaminate food and water due to heat, smoke, fumes and chemicals. These flyers include tips to reduce food safety risks during a fire incident for households, food suppliers, vendors, food industry inspectors and workers.
Being a caregiver can be an exhausting and difficult task. It’s important to recognize caregiver burnout and cope healthily. Understanding caregiver burnout symptoms and coping mechanisms can help make caregiving more enjoyable and fulfilling.About 1 in 3 adults serves as an informal caregiver to ...another adult, like an aging parent or disabled relative. Although many find the opportunity to care for a loved one to be a privilege, it can also be demanding. Here is how to cope effectively.
The purpose of this brief is to provide practical tips for UNICEF country offices, partners and young people themselves on engaging adolescents and youth as part of the COVID-19 preparedness and response. As a first step, we recommend engaging with adolescents and youth to understand what their need...s are, and how they can take action. Consultations with adolescents and youth is your best ‘go-to’ resource to determine how UNICEF can engage, protect, and support adolescents and youth in the COVID-19 response.
Remember that the ‘do not harm’ principle must always be applied. All actions should be evaluated for potential risks for harm and, as necessary, plans developed to mitigate those risks.
Guidance on Disability Inclusion for GBV Partners in Lebanon
In line with the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organisations which IFRC, ICRC and various Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies have endorsed, this short Guide aims to help practitioners integrate environmental and climate change considerations into their work. It has been dev...eloped primarily for logistics staff, administrative staff, and management. It is not necessary to be an environmental expert to use this Guide.
Government measures in response to the outbreak have included severe restrictions on movement and physical distancing, which will inevitably impact the way we engage communities. This document provides key messages and practical tips for such community engagement.
In spite of the work carried out by the EU institutions, the Member States, many cities and grassroot movements in Europe, the general public is still not engaging enough in air quality policy initiatives and the level of awareness and knowledge of the effects of poor air quality on health is often ...low.
HEAL, within its work with the EU urban air quality partnership has put together a toolkit on ‘Communicating on air quality and health – Inspiring practices, challenges and tips’, providing hands-on examples of how communication on air quality, the health links and (policy and behavioural) changes takes place, as an inspiration particularly for urban authorities wanting to communicate on clean air.
The Partnership on Air Quality was founded in 2016 with the main objective of improving air quality in cities and bringing the ‘healthy city’ higher on the local, national and EU agendas as part of the urban agenda.
Available in Englisch, French and Portuguese
Tips and guidelines for the care of pregnant women and newborns in the context of the pandemic. ( version 16 June 2021)