Guidelines of Mediastinum Tumor non Lymphoma
В качестве социальных предикторов, определяющих рост частоты психических заболеваний, рассматривают процессы урбанизации, стрессогенные события и другие социал...ные тенденции современного мира. Отмечается их прямая связь с манифестацией психических расстройств, в том числе шизофренией. Наиболее подвержены психическим расстройствам лица, находящиеся в неблагоприятной жизненной ситуации или малоимущие. По тяжести социальных последствий и по нарушению адаптации шизофрения продолжает лидировать в психиатрии. Течение шизофрении является одним из основных клинических предикторов медицинского и социального прогноза. Проведенное исследование устанавливает, что клинические предикторы, определяющие тяжесть состояния больных с незлокачественным течением шизофрении, не являются облигатными в социализации данной категории больных.
Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer in Indonesia
Q4: In individuals with long term and/or recurrent psychotic disorders (including schizophrenia), should individuals be maintained on pharmacotherapy indefinitely or withdrawn from treatment in order to allow for the best outcomes?
This is the fifteenth edition of the lecture notes. They were first published in 1987 as a summary of the material used in the biannual epilepsy teaching weekend organised under the auspices of the UK Chapter of the International League against Epilepsy.
(Lecture series consist of a total of 59 cha...pters. Section one - introduction (chapter 1-2). Section two - basic science (chapters 3-5). Section (chapters 6-16). Section four - differential diagnosis (chapter 17-19). Section five - investigations (chapter 20-24). Section six - medical treatment of epilepsy (chapters 25-35). Section seven - outcome (chapters 36-40). Section eight - special groups (chapters 41-44). Section nine - surgical treatment of epilepsy (chapters 45-49). Section ten - social aspects (chapters 50-56). Section eleven - provision of care (chapters 57-59). All chapters available at:
A new e-learning course has just been released, aimed at healthcare professionals working with patients in India exploring HPV screening and vaccination, assessment and diagnosis of cervical cancer, and palliative care for patients with advanced cervical cancer. The course was developed by ecancer i...n collaboration with Indian experts specialising in gynaecological cancers and supported by the National Cancer Grid, India - all the modules are completely open access and free to take.
Info from and between Mental Health Workers, NGO's, Institutes, Service Users and others who are interested in improving Mental Health in Low and Middle Income Countries
Economic and social unrest in Venezuela have led the health system to the brink of collapse. Infectious diseases are surging as a result.
The Lancet Infectious Diseases Volume 19, ISSUE 1, P28, January 01, 2019
Journal of the International AIDS Society, vol. 21 Issue no. 6 e 25142
Weaknesses in care programmes providing anti‐retroviral therapy (ART) persist and are often instigated by late HIV diagnosis and poor linkage to care. We investigated the potential for a home‐based counselling and testin...g (HBCT) campaign to be improved through the optimal timing and enhancement of testing rounds to generate greater health outcomes at minimum cost.
Countries implementing HBCT can reduce costs by optimally timing rounds and generate greater health outcomes through improving linkage, coverage, and retention. Tailoring HBCT campaigns to individual settings can enhance patient outcomes for minimal cost.
Position Statement
Diabetes Care2018;42(Suppl. 1):S1–S194.
Die aktuellen Leitlinien stellen detailliert und umfassend die gesamte wissen-
schaftliche Basis und die daraus abgeleiteten Therapieempfehlungen in elf Einzel-
kapiteln dar. Darunter befinden sich auch allgemeingültige Empfehlungen wie
zum Beispiel zur Ausbildung und zu ethischen Fragestellunge...n am Lebensende.
Um Ihnen einen möglichst schnellen und gleichzeitig umfassenden Überblick zu
ermöglichen, haben wir für Sie in diesem Taschenbuch die wesentlichen Aussagen
aus allen Kapiteln als Kurzfassung zusammengestellt.
Geflüchtete Menschen, die bei uns Schutz suchen, haben häufig Bürgerkrieg, Verfolgung und Gewalt erlebt, ein Teil von ihnen leidet an psychisch reaktiven Traumafolgestörungen, die im Asylverfahren oftmals nur unzureichend bemerkt werden, was ihre Chancen einschränkt, einen sicheren Aufenthalt z...u erhalten.