Joint EUAA, IOM and OECD report provides new insights on displacement from and within Ukraine
The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have published a Joint Report on, experiences, and aspirations of forcibly displaced people by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The Joint Report provides an in-depth study of the scale of displacement to EU countries and people seeking protection there, by building on initial findings derived from a June EUAA-OECD Survey.
WFP's Hunger Map depicts the prevalence of undernourishment in the population of each country in 2016-18. From Africa and Asia to Latin America and the Near East, there are 821 million people - more than 1 in 9 of the world population - who do not get enough to eat. Our downloadable Hunger Map provi...des invaluable info that helps school teachers and children to learn more about the biggest single risk to global health.
It is estimated that prior to the war there were more than 250 000 people (1% of total population) living with HIV in Ukraine, of whom around 130 000 were receiving antiretroviral therapy.
As the displacement of people from Ukraine escalates, it is imperative that countries across Europe receivin...g these displaced people are prepared to ensure high standards of HIV prevention, treatment and care.
En mai 2015, en adoptant le Plan d’action mondial pour combattre la résistance aux antimicrobiens (« Plan d’action mondial »), la Soixante-Huitième Assemblée mondiale de la Santé a reconnu l’importance de cette résistance en tant que problème majeur de santé publi...que. Le Plan propose des interventions pour lutter contre cette résistance, dont la réduction des usages inutiles d’antimicrobiens chez l’homme et chez l’animal. Il souligne aussi la nécessité d’une approche intersectorielle, « Un monde, une santé », pour endiguer cette résistance, impliquant des efforts de la part d’acteurs de nombreuses disciplines, dont les médecines humaine et vétérinaire
Le milieu des soins de plaies est un monde en pleine effervescence. Étant une des activités
réservées à l’infirmière, cette dernière doit posséder les connaissances afin d’établir le plan
de traitement selon l’évaluation de la plaie. Ce guide a été élaboré afin d’outiller l...infirmière,
ainsi que les médecins et les autres professionnels de la santé, les aidant ainsi à choisir le plan
de traitement optimal pour favoriser une guérison rapide de la plaie.
A practical manual - The book provides step by step guidance
to the process of rational prescribing, together with many illustrative examples. It teaches skills that are necessary throughout a clinical career.
This working draft develops guidance on conducting effective evaluations of conflict prevention and peacebuilding work. The current working draft will be used for a one year application phase through 2008. It is the result of an ongoing collaborative project by the OECD DAC Networks on Development E...valuation and on Conflict, Peace and Development Co-operation (CPDC). The two Networks began this collaboration in 2005, responding to the need expressed by CPDC members for greater clarity regarding techniques and issues of evaluation in their field. An assessment of past conflict and peace evaluations and a study of current practices were undertaken in 2006 and identified a need for further guidance.
Strengthening health-system emergency preparedness.
Strengthening health-system emergency preparedness.
Euro Surveill. 2016;21(12):pii=30174. DOI:
Mapping Report - Portugal
Harm Reduction Journal (2016) 13:28
DOI 10.1186/s12954-016-0118-x
Rapid review and case studies from Member States
В настоящем кратком докладе анализируются последние данные о распространенности употребления
табака в Европейском регионе ВОЗ, взятые из доклада о глобальной та...бачной эпидемии за 2017 г., рассматриваются предшествующие аналогичные доклады начиная с 2008 г, а также достижения в деле реализации комплекса мер MPOWER в Европейском регионе. В качестве обоснования используются фактические данные, собранные в «Сборнике аргументов для борьбы против табака». Оценивается прогресс, достигнутый в Европейском регионе ВОЗ в реализации Дорожной карты действий с целью усиления мер по осуществлению Рамочной конвенции ВОЗ по борьбе против табака в Европейском регионе на 2015–2025 гг. (далее – Дорожная карта), и протяженность дальнейшего пути к достижению конечной цели.