Manual for step-by-step risk management for safely managed sanitation systems. 2nd edition.
This Sanitation safety planning (SSP) manual provides practical, step-by-step guidance to assist in the implementation of the 2018 World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines on sanitation and health and the ...2006 WHO Guidelines for safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater in agriculture and aquaculture. The approach and tools should be applied to all sanitary systems to ensure that they are managed to meet health objectives.
The SSP manual is targeted at a variety of users at different levels including; health authorities and regulators, local authorities, sanitation utility managers, sanitation enterprises and farmers, community-based organizations, farmers associations and nongovernmental organizations.
The global pandemic has highlighted fragility in international supply chains and the dependency of many African countries on imported personal protective equipment (PPE). Market pressures have also increased prices for imported supplies and put additional pressure on areas with limited resources for... procurement. There is an urgent operational need to develop the domestic capacity to supply PPE from within the African continent. There is huge variation in Member
States industrial manufacturing capacity and the regulatory and testing capacity of government agencies at present. Growing number of companies, including micro- and small-medium enterprises, have responded by repurposing, albeit temporarily, to manufacture an assortment of PPEs. This workshop aims to bring together government representatives, industry, and subject matter experts on material testing and standards to promote the development of domestic production of safe and effective PPE made in Africa.
China is one of the major countries for the production and use of antibacterial agents. Antibacterial agents are widely used in healthcare and animal husbandry. It plays a significant role in treating infections and saving patient lives, preventing and treating animal diseases, improving farming ef...ficiency, and guaranteeing public health security. However, antimicrobial resistance has become increasingly prominent due to insufficient research and development capacity of new antimicrobials, sales of antimicrobials without prescriptions in pharmacies, irrational use of antibacterial agents in medical and food animal sectors, non-compliant waste emissions of pharmaceutical enterprises, as well as lack of public awareness toward rational use of antimicrobials. Bacterial resistance ultimately affects human health, but the cause of bacterial resistance and consequences are beyond the health sector. Antimicrobial resistance brings increasing biosecurity threats, worsens environmental pollution, constrains economic development and other adverse effects to human society, thus, there is an urgent need to strengthen multi-sectoral and multi-domain collaborative planning to jointly cope with this issue.
Chaque année, 2,6 millions de bébés meurent avant l’âge d’un mois. Un million d’entre eux rendent leur dernier souffle le jour même de leur naissance. Pourtant, des millions de jeunes vies pourraient être épargnées chaque année si les mères et les bébés avaient accès à des soins santé abordables et de qualité, à une nutrition correcte et à de l’eau potable. Ce rapport appelle à une coopération solide entre les gouvernements, les entreprises, les prestataires de soins de santé, les communautés et les familles pour donner à chaque enfant une chance de vivre et travailler collectivement pour atteindre une couverture sanitaire universelle et un monde dans lequel aucun nouveau-né ne meurt d’une cause évitable.
Janvier 2022.
L'une des nombreuses inégalités entre les sexes dans le secteur de la santé et des soins que COVID-19 a révélées concerne l'ajustement et la conception des équipements de protection individuelle (EPI). L'apparition rapide et l'ampleur de COVID-19 ont entraîné des pénuries d'...EPI dans la plupart des pays, provoquant des infections et des décès évitables parmi les travailleurs de la santé et d'autres personnes en première ligne. Bien que la plupart des travailleurs de la santé soient des femmes, les spécifications de fabrication des EPI médicaux sont généralement établies en fonction du corps masculin et de nombreux cas d'EPI non conçus pour le corps des femmes ont été signalés. WGH a entrepris un projet de recherche mondial afin de documenter les défis auxquels les travailleuses de la santé sont confrontées.
Countries are making progress toward the global goal of 95% of people living with HIV knowing their status by 2025. However, considerable gaps remain in achieving these goals globally. Men in high HIV burden settings and men from key populations in all settings are consistently less likely to know t...heir HIV status than women. Globally, 78% of men ages 15 years and older who are living with HIV are aware of their HIV status, compared with 86% of women with HIV of these ages.
Offering HIV testing services, including HIV self-testing, at formal and informal workplaces has emerged as an effective, acceptable and feasible approach for reaching men. A 2018 World Health Organization (WHO) and International Labour Organization (ILO) policy brief provides key guiding principles for HIVST implementation at workplaces. Building on the 2018 policy brief, this brief captures early experience with HIVST implementation at workplaces and discusses emerging approaches of sustainable financing that can be adapted for HIV self-testing at workplaces.
The primary audiences for this policy brief are ministries of health and labour, national HIV programmes, employers’ organizations, workers’ organizations (labour unions), enterprises, implementing partners, including civil society organizations, and health insurance agencies.
Le Burkina connait depuis les 5 dernières années, une dégradation continue de la situation sécuritaire. Cette situation a connu une détérioration accélérée depuis 2029 principalement dans les régions du Nord, du Centre-Nord, du Sahel, de la Boucle du Mouhoun ,de l’Est et du Centre Est. C...ette dégradation a entraîné un accroissement substantiel des déplacements internes et réduit l'accès déjà très limité aux services sociaux de base, y compris les services de santé, dans un contexte d'extrême pauvreté dans ces localités.
On estime un total de 2,2 millions de burkinabè qui sont dans un besoin humanitaire de plus en plus croissant dans tous les secteurs. Parmi ces populations vulnérables, on compte 1 902 150 déplacés internes à la date du 30 avril 2022 et plus de 1,2 millions étaient directement privées d’un accès aux soins de santé à cause principalement de la fermeture et ou du fonctionnement au minima des formations sanitaires dans les zones à défis sécuritaire. Au total, 290 communes sont concernées par le phénomène des PDIs dont la majorité se retrouvent à Djibo (285 654),
Kaya (123 610), Barsalogho (93 378), Gorgadji (43 651), Fada N’Gourma (85 574), Dori (66 798) et Gorom-Gorom (65 106).
La situation actuelle est rendue complexe par une annonce d’un niveau alarmant d'insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle selon les analyses faites par le Cadre intégré de Classification (IPC) de la malnutrition aiguë de novembre 2021 (IPC AMN) et du cadre harmonisé (CH) de l’insécurité alimentaire de mars 2022. Tous ces facteurs concourent à la dégradation de la situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle des populations affectées surtout les couches les plus vulnérables que sont les femmes et les enfants. C’est ainsi que le Ministère de la santé en collaboration avec l’UNICEF et le PAM a entrepris de réaliser une nouvelle enquête SMART rapide après celles 2019 et de 2020 auprès de certain nombre de localités abritant un grand nombre de déplacés internes afin d’évaluer la situation nutritionnelle et sanitaire des enfants de 6 à 59 mois et des femmes enceintes et des femmes allaitantes ayant des enfants de moins de 2 ans. Cette enquête a couvert 12 communes et localités qui sont reparties par région et par district sanitaire de la manière suivante: Tougan, Nouna, Kaya, Kongoussi, Tougouri, Pissila, Gayéri, Thiou, Séguénéga, Gorom-Gorom,
Gorgadji et Bani.
"Heat Wave Guidelines aim to facilitate the stakeholders in preparing a Heat Wave Action Plan by providing insights into heat-related illness and the necessary mitigative and response actions to be undertaken. It will also help in mobilization of and coordination among various ministries/departments..., individuals and communities to help and protect their neighbours, friends, relatives, and themselves against avoidable health problems during spell of very hot weather."
Climate change is one of the most urgent challenges for people and ecosystems worldwide. The recently published sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stresses the occurrence of widespread adverse impacts of climate change. Increased frequency and inten...sity of extreme weather events, as well as slow-onset processes cause enormous losses and damages to human and natural systems. Marginalized groups and people in vulnerable situations are often disproportionally affected. While the impacts of climate change already become more tangible and threatening, action for addressing them remains insufficient. Adaptation to climate change is, thus, becoming a necessity for governments, companies, and private citizens.
To provide practical and scientifically sound guidance on how to conduct vulnerability assessments, GIZ published its Vulnerability Sourcebook in 2014. The Vulnerability Sourcebook was used in over twenty different GIZ partner countries and provides a step-by-step guidance for designing and implementing a vulnerability assessment. It is also one of the methodological foundations for the ISO 14091:2021 standard on vulnerability, impacts and risk assessment for climate change adaptation.
The health sector In Ukraine is beginning to change in recent years. The sector, based on a system of health care (Semashko) originating from the Soviet Union, had been stagnant for many years. Remarkably little had changed since Independence and the health care system is as of today still character...ized by a very hierarchical and territorial system with large numbers of beds in institutional care settings. At the same time the Government of Ukraine has only limited resources available that are spread thin over the existing infrastructure
The “United Nations Framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19: Shared responsibility, global solidarity and urgent action for people in need” calls for protecting jobs, businesses and livelihoods to set in motion a safe recovery of societies and economies as soon as possibl...e for a more sustainable, gender-equal, and carbon-neutral path—better than the “old normal”.
This SOP describes specific step by step procedures in clinical management like OPD, IPD Housekeeping, Emergency services, OT services, Radiology Services & Pathology services. It should be used as a hands-on reference for service providers providing services, thereby helping to standardize the prac...tice in all hospitals, with the ultimate goal of optimizing the quality & standard patient care. The manual may also be used as a reference for health service providers for effective health management.
On the global scale, the impacts of the current food system on the environment are severe. The agro-industrial revolution has made it possible to increase food production at a price.
This manual will contribute directly to the fourth focus area of the FAO Action Plan by promoting the prevention of infections and the prudent use of antibiotics in the pig and poultry sectors. The pig and poultry sectors are addressed together, as these sectors generally have the highest use of ant...ibiotics. This manual is jointly applicable to veterinarians, other health professionals and farmers; a key to success in using antibiotics effectively and prudently is good dialogue among these professions.
This is a report from a National, representative household survey carried out in Botswana in 2012 – 2014. The study was carried out on behalf of the Norwegian Federation of Organisations of Disabled Persons (FFO), Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled (SASFOD) and Botswana Federation of Disab...led People (BOFOD). The study was led by Professor Tlamelo Mmatli of the University of Botswana, in collaboration with SINTEF Technology and Society. The study would not have been possible without a strong commitment from the Office of the President of Botswana and support from the Central Statistical Office. The study presents a broad picture of the situation among individuals with disability and households with disabled members in Botswana. It offers comparison with individuals without disability and households without disabled members, between provinces and between genders and locations (urban/rural). The study reveals that households with disabled members and individuals with disability score lower on a range on indicators on level of living.
PQDx 0006-005-00 WHO
February/2016, version 2.0
PQDx 0005-005-00
May/2016, version 3.0