This summary brief highlights key messages from the updated World Health Organization’s recommendation on tranexamic acid (TXA) for the treatment of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH), including policy and program implications for translating the TXA recommendation into action at the country level. In 2...012, WHO published recommendations for the prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage, including a recommendation on the use of TXA for treatment of PPH. The 2017 updated WHO Recommendation on TXA is based on new evidence on use of TXA for treatment of PPH. This summary brief is intended for policy-makers, programme managers, educators and providers.
Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in Europe 2020 data: executive summary
Lack of trained providers capable of identifying which labouring women could benefit from assisted vaginal birth (AVB), and of safely performing the procedure is a major barrier for its use. Education and training are, therefore, considered crucial for building skills and confidence in conducting AV...B and there is evidence that it would be welcomed by healthcare providers. However, acquiring and maintaining AVB skills is a complex task that requires a supportive environment, mentorship, supervision and accountability. As with other practices to manage infrequent procedures and complications, continuous education and on-site supervision are essential to ensure the safe and sustainable use of AVB.
Guías temáticas recomendaciones sectoriales
La pandemia del coronavirus (COVID-19) ha afectado la vida familiar alrededor del mundo. El cierre de escuelas y colegios, el trabajo a distancia, el distanciamiento físico: es mucho para cualquier persona, pero especialmente para los padres. Un grupo de colaboradores nos juntamos con la iniciativa... 'Parenting for Lifelong Health' (en español, Paternidad y Crianza para Salud de por Vida) para brindar a los padres y responsables de niños una serie de consejos prácticos para ayudar a manejar esta nueva (temporaria) normalidad.
Quality of Life for Children with Cancer Series: Modules on Paediatric Palliative Care. Module 7: Spirituality
Es una enfermedad muy contagiosa que se transmite a través de las gotitas de saliva que
viajan por el aire cada vez que alguien enfermo tose, estornuda, escupe, habla o canta.
Los microbios hacen agujeros en los pulmones y pueden causar la muerte.
Es una enfermedad muy contagiosa que se transmite a través de las gotitas de saliva que viajan por el aire cada vez que alguien enfermo tose, estornuda, escupe, habla o canta. Los microbios hacen agujeros en los pulmones y pueden causar la muerte. También es conocida como TB, «mal de caja», «ma...l del pulmón», «Jojojenka» y «Kemirejenka».
Aquí le brindamos información para prevenir esta enfermedad
A log frame is a simple table which identifies the logical relationship between essential elements of a project.
This ensures that the project is well designed, described objectively, can be monitored and evaluated and is clearly structured.
It is a framework used by many donors
These guidelines have been extracted from the WHO manual Surgical Care at the District
Hospital (SCDH), which is a part of the WHO Integrated Management Package on Emergency
and Essential Surgical Care (IMPEESC).
Refer for details on anaesthesia, head, gunshot and landmine injuries in chapters
This curriculum can be used freely in order to stimulate means of ethical analysis, reflection and decision-making.
Essential obstetric and newborn care is designed as a tool to help protect mothers and their children in adverse environments. It is intended for midwives, doctors with obstetrics training, and health care personnel who deal with obstetric emergencies.
Challenges in achieving the MDG for maternal mortality. In-depth analysis of the EDHS 2000-2011