Produced by Training and Research Support Centre for the Regional Network for Equity in Health in east and southern Africa (EQUINET), March 20, 2020.
This brief summarises and provides links to official, scientific and other resources to support an understanding of and individual to regional level... responses to the epidemic of ‘novel coronavirus’, also known as COVID-19.
revised version December 2020
In 2018, the WHO European Healthy Cities Network adopted the political vision of the Network until 2030 that is fully aligned with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: the Copenhagen Consensus of Mayors: Healthier and Happier Cities for All. The vision is built around six This compendium comprises tools, resources and networks that are related to one of the themes - place - from across the WHO European Healthy Cities Network and wider from 2010 to 2020. It is part of the support package for implementation of the place theme in Phase VII (2019–2024) of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network.
L'exercice de table COVID-19 (TTX) est un package de simulation qui utilise un scénario progressif ainsi qu'une série d'injects spécifiques pour permettre aux participants de considérer l'impact potentiel d'une épidémie sur les plans, procédures et capacités existants. Le TTX a pour objectif... de renforcer les niveaux nationaux de préparation au coronavirus grâce à une série de discussions de groupe facilitées.
Last updated Friday 20 March
This checklist has been developed to support hospital preparedness for the management of COVID-19 patients.
Elements to be assessed have been divided into the following areas:
Establishment of a core team and key internal and external contact points
Human, material and facility capacit...y
Communication and data protection
Hand hygiene, personal protective equipment (PPE), and waste management
Triage, first contact and prioritisation
Patient placement, moving of the patients in the facility, and visitor access
Environmental cleaning
For each area mentioned above, the elements or processes were identified and the items to be checked are listed below.
A procedure for the self-auditing of compliance with this checklist should be considered.
Ce document fournit des conseils provisoires sur la prévention, l'identification et la gestion de l'infection des travailleurs de la santé dans le contexte de COVID-19. Il s'adresse aux services de santé au travail, aux services ou points focaux de prévention et de contrôle des infections, aux ...administrateurs des établissements de santé et aux autorités de santé publique, tant au niveau national qu'au niveau des établissements.
Interim Version 24, February 2020
This checklist has been prepared with the aim of supporting hospital managers and emergency planners in achieving the above by defining and initiating actions needed to ensure a rapid response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The checklist is structured on eleven key co...mponents; under each component, there is a list of questions regarding the status of implementation of the recommended action specific to that component. Hospitals at risk of increased health service demand should be prepared to initiate the implementation of each action promptly. The section on “Recommended reading” lists selected tools, guidelines and strategies relevant to each component, as well as other supporting documentation.
The One Health approach can help achieve progress and promotes synergies on national and global priorities by generating synergies at the human-animal-environmental interface. While evidence is still scare, it is likely that the approach is highly cost-effective and improves effectiveness of core pu...blic health systems, through reducing morbidity, mortality, and economic costs of disease outbreaks. It also contributes to economic development through strengthening public health systems at the human-animal-environment interface protects health, agricultural production, and
ecosystem services
• Los dispositivos médicos enumerados en este documento proporcionan estándares mínimos y descripciones técnicas y especificaciones de dispositivos médicos para el tratamiento de soporte de COVID-19.§ • Estos dispositivos médicos no son limitados y son adaptables a todos los p...aíses de la región, independientemente de sus diferentes sistemas de atención médica y disparidades socioeconómicas. Además, se recomiendan para: o Terapia de soporte temprana y monitoreo de infecciones respiratorias agudas graves (IRAG) cuando se sospecha de infección por COVID-19; o Tratamiento de la insuficiencia respiratoria hipoxémica y el síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda (SDRA) en pacientes con COVID-19; o Manejo del shock séptico en pacientes con COVID-19.
Orientaciones provisionales 16 de diciembre de 2020
En el presente documento se resumen las orientaciones actuales de la OMS para la vigilancia de salud pública en relación con la coronavirosis de 2019 (COVID-19) en el ser humano debida a la infección por el coronavirus del síndrome respiratori...o agudo severo de tipo 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
Orientations provisoires 16 décembre 2020
Le présent document résume les orientations de santé publique actuelles de l’OMS pour la surveillance de la maladie à coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) chez l’homme due à une infection par le coronavirus 2 du syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SARS-Co...V-2) (ci-après désignée « surveillance de la COVID-19 »).
Five years after a global commitment to Fast-Track the HIV response and end AIDS by 2030, the world is off track. A promise to build on the momentum created in the first decade of the twenty-first century by front-loading investment and accelerating HIV service provision has been fulfilled by too fe...w countries.
Five years after a global commitment to Fast-Track the HIV response and end AIDS by 2030, the world is off track. A promise to build on the momentum created in the first decade of the twenty-first century by front-loading investment and accelerating HIV service provision has been fulfilled by too fe...w countries.
A Resource Guide for Country Offices