This executive summary contains all the new recommendations that will be incorporated into the fifth edition of the Medical eligibility criteria (MEC) for contraceptive use. In addition to the recommendations themselves, the summary provides an introduction to the guideline, a description of the met...hods used to develop the recommendations for this fifth edition, and a summary of changes (from the fourth edition to the fifth edition of the MEC).
A training manual for identifying, assessing, preventing and controlling the risks of pandemics in the workplace. This training manual has been developed for both medical and non-medical personnel who may be called upon to lead emergency response, (eg epidemic outbreak, etc), ensure effective conta...inment whiles work continues and essential goods and services continue to be supplied.
The manual provides insight into some of the local epidemics experienced in Ghana such as Cholera, Cerebrospinal meningitis (CSM) and Influenza(s), the causes, signs and symptoms and preventive measures with a view to increasing knowledge among management, staff and their families as well as immediate communities within which they work.
J Infect Dis. (2012) 206 (suppl. 1): S61-S67
Influenza data gaps in sub-Saharan Africa include incidence, case fatality, seasonal patterns, and associations with prevalent disorders. The authors found that the burden of influenza was small during 2007–2010 in this paediatric hospital in Kenya. In...fluenza A virus subtype H3N2 predominated, and 2009 pandemic influenza A virus subtype H1N1 had little impact
(Stand: 14. September 2015). Medizinisches Personal, welches Asylsuchende (sowie Asylbewerber, Flüchtlinge) betreut, sollte auf einige dieser für Deutschland ungewöhnlichen Erkrankungen vorbereitet sein. Das RKI hat im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 38/2015 eine tabellerarische Übersicht veröffentl...icht.
Multilingual guide on the topic of protective vaccination for migrants in Germany.
The guide is available in 16 languages: Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, German, English, French,
Greek, Italian, Kurdish, Persian, Polish, Romanian,
Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Spanish, Turkish. For the versions i...n other languages go to
Leitfaden für Fachpersonen des Gesundheitswesens. Grundlage des vorliegenden Handbuchs sind die aktuellen internationalen Leitlinien zur Diagnose und Behandlung der Tuberkulose.
Die vorliegende gekürzte Fassung ergänzt und aktualisiert das «Handbuch Tuberkulose 2012
This 277 page pocketbook is a summary of the emergency components of basic neonatal and older infants hospital care from our 900 page textbook “International Maternal & Childhealth Care. A practical manual for hospitals worldwide”.
If you work in a hospital in a low income country - providin...g free care - you are probably intitled to FREE copies of these books. MCAI will send them to you, all you have to do is to read our Flyer and fill in the request form.
Global Health Science and Practice. First published online November 12, 2015