Clinical Guidelines for Therapy Management of Benigne Prostate Hyperplasia in Indonesia 2015
This I-Kit provides essential information and tools for responding to an outbreak using an SBCC approach. It presents a series of nine units, each accompanied by exercise worksheets to help link the SBCC theory to practice.
The worksheets in each section are typically followed by a completed exam...ple. The completed examples will likely include information about an emergency that, during an actual event, might not be immediately available. This was done to illustrate the full range of information to inform a strategic communication response.
ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research 9(2015)317–330.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the varying scope and content of data collection instruments on child disability and to provide a historical snapshot of the rates of reported disability among children. A total of 716 data sou...rces were identified, corresponding to 198 countries covering more than 95% of the world’s children. The findings reveal a lack of consistent definitions and measures of disability, which contribute to major challenges in producing reliable and comparable statistics.
The brochure provides information about a mobile crèche where young children can receive organized care and breastfeeding while the parent participate in the public works.
Les résultats provisoires du recensement de la population réalisé en 2008 et en particulier celui des personnes handicapées montrent l'étendue des besoins et la nécessité de poursuivre nos actions pour améliorer les conditions de vie de ces personnes au Burundi.
In order to better understand the contributing factors of undernutrition in LIFT program areas and the links between child nutritional status and independent variables of programmatic importance to LIFT (such as income, livelihoods, food security, and water, sanitation and hygiene [WASH]), LEARN com...missioned a secondary analysis of nutrition-related data from the 2013 LIFT Household Survey. The purpose of this report is to present the findings of this analysis.
This article aims to assess the impact of cerebral palsy on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of Nigerian children.
Die aktuelle weltpolitische Lage führt dazu, dass immer mehr potentiell traumatisierte Kinder der Unterstützung von Fachleuten – auch in der psychologischen Grundversorgung - bedürfen. Traumata können bei Kindern aber auch durch Hospitalisationen und damit verbundene medizinische Eingriffe, Un...fälle o.ä. ausgeloest werden, wie im Folgenden beschrieben wird.
Die Diagnose von Traumafolgestörungen bei Kindern ist durch die Tatsache erschwert, dass sie eine Reihe unspezifischer und altersabhängiger Symptome zeigen, die auch bei anderen Störungen auftreten, was unter Umständen zu Fehldiagnosen (ADHS) führen kann.
Aus diesem Grund hat die vorliegende Arbeit zum Ziel, Fachpersonen eine Zusammenstellung grundlegender Informationen zur Entstehung und Diagnostik von Traumafolgestörungen sowie einen Überblick über gängige Diagnoseinstrumente zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Background: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) develops following some stressful events. There has been increasing recognition that children who have been exposed to traumatic events like child sexual abuse can develop post-traumatic stress disorder just like adults.
Objective: To determine prev...alence of PTSD in sexually abused children seen at the Gender Based Violence Recovery Centre at Kenyatta National Hospital.
Design: A cross sectional descriptive study.
Setting: Gender Based Violence Recovery Centre – Kenyatta National Hospital. Subjects One hundred and forty-nine (n = 149) sexually abused children were recruited in the study.
Child and adolescent psychiatric emergencies
Chapter J.1