Mental health problems are common and cause great suffering to individuals and communities around the world. They have a significant impact not only on the physical and mental health of those affected but also on their families and the communities they live in. At the same time, all communities have... their own traditional mechanisms for support and contain a range wide of resources that can be helpful in preventing mental health conditions from developing, promoting positive mental health and supporting the recovery of people that are struggling with a mental health condition.
In the wider context, people living with a mental health condition are often excluded from their communities and experience various violations to their basic human rights (discrimination, violence, exclusion from employment opportunities). The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the mean prevalence of global mental health disorders is 10.8% while the prevalence in emergency settings is 22.1% in any conflict-affected population.
During emergencies and crisis, the stigma, exclusion and discrimination towards people living with mental health conditions is often higher, which can cause isolation and protection issues. Communities can play a crucial role in promoting mental health as well as enhancing primary care and access. Their role is to help reduce mental health inequalities by providing community resources that connect people to community-based resources and by providing mental health education. This also helps to reduce the massive mental health treatment gap.
Armed conflicts and natural disasters cause significant psychological and social suffering to affected populations. The psychological and social impacts of emergencies may be acute in the short term, but they can also undermine the long-term mental health and psychosocial well-being of the affected ...population. These impacts may threaten peace, human rights and development. One of the priorities in emergencies is thus to protect and improve people’s mental health and psychosocial well-being.
Practice paper in Brief 24
Containment strategies for Ebola rupture fundamental features of social, political and religious life. Control efforts that involve local people and appreciate their perspectives, social structures and institutions are therefore vital
WaterAid is an international NGO that provides assistance for safe water supply,
sanitation and hygiene practice in the poor communities in the world.
Recommendations to develop guidelines on community-based rehabilitation (CBR) were made during the International Consultation to Review Community-based Rehabilitation which was held in Helsinki, Finland in 2003. WHO; the International Labour Organization; the United Nations Educational, Scientific ...and Cultural Organization; and the International Disability and Development Consortium – notably CBM, Handicap International, the Italian Association Amici di Raoul Follereau, Light for the World, the Norwegian Association of Disabled and Sightsavers – have worked closely together to develop the Community-based rehabilitation guidelines. More than 180 individuals and representatives of nearly 300 organizations, mostly from low-income and middle-income countries around the world, have been involved in their development.
Each year, dozens of communities around the world face natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and other emergencies. Scientists think that a worldwide influenza outbreak will happen sometime in the next decade. The purpose of this guide is to help local leaders and community organizers bring together... the community to help plan for disease outbreaks and other emergencies. This guide uses the lessons from communities that have already dealt with disease outbreaks and also uses other often-used tools to create discussion among community members and effectively garner their insight
To Initiating a Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Project in Urban Slums with Social Mapping, Census Taking, and Community Engagement
Last Mile delivery presents a unique challenge in making health commodities available in the developing world. This guide, designed for in-country practitioners and decisionmakers, uses a range of real world examples to support selection and design of last mile distribution approaches which respond specific challenges.
Gender-based violence, including rape is a problem throughout the world, occurring in every society, country and region. Refugees and internally displaced people are particularly at risk of this violation during every phase of an emergency situation. The systematic use of sexual violence as a method... of warfare is well documented and constitutes a grave breach of international humanitarian law.
The Arabic Version can be downloaded here:
A Booklet on Women and HIV/AIDS for Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and Members of Self-help Groups (SHGs)
Version 2
Activity brief | Research Partners: Population Council, IntraHealth International, Avenir Health, Survey Warehouse, Ministry of Health and Social Services, and USAID/Namibia | Location: Andara, Nyangana, Oshikuku, Onandjokwe, and Tsumeb districts, Namibia | Study Duration: April 2017–September 201...8
The report reviews progress with the task of planning and implementing measures necessary to secure a completely polio-free world. It also examines actions aimed at ensuring successful transfer of polio assets, innovations developed and lessons learned to countries’ public health programmes and ot...her global health priorities
This study, and similar studies in Kenya, Mozambique, Swaziland, Uganda, and Zambia is the outcome of close collaborative by a team in Swaziland, with technical and financial support from the UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Eastern and Southern Africa, UNAIDS Geneva, and the World Bank's Global HIV.../AIDS Program (Global AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Team). The study entailed using existing data and collecting new data to better know the country's HIV epidemic, know the country HIV response and how funding was allocated, so as to improve the HIV response and strengthen prevention based on evidence on what works to prevent new infections.
A joint FAO/WFP update for the United Nations Security Council, January 2018. ISSUE N.3. Six months on from the last joint report for the United
Nations Security Council (UNSC), this report by the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) ...
provides an update on the acute food insecurity
situation in most of the conflict-affected countries
currently being monitored by the UNSC.
A non-exhaustive reference list of organizations working with and for persons with disabilities world-wide.
This guide presents new knowledge and guidelines on the provision of care to persons living with HIV/AIDS, in accordance with the last guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) published in 2006 and adapted to the Rwandan national context. It thus responds to the need by the Ministry of to improve the skills of the actors in the health sector as well as the quality of care and antiretroviral treatment offered in both public and private health facilities countrywide.
The Rwandan Health Sector Research Policy (HSRP) policy defines the scope of research in the Rwandan health sector and presents the strategic principles to ensure that the research done in Rwandan health sector will be conducted in a more coordinated manner, promoting research for equity and social ...justice and to benefit the Rwandan community as well as the global community in general. The health sector research policy provides solutions to the challenges which have been identified in health research. It will support and improve Rwanda’s health research environment and create a space and framework in which health research will grow and support improved health outcomes in Rwanda. It gives a clear orientation for dissemination and use of results. For sustainability of health research in Rwanda, foreign researchers are called upon to collaborate with Rwandans with clear capacity building plans.
These are integrated National Guidelines 2013 for Prevention and Management of HIV, STIs & Other Blood Borne Infections in accordance with the last guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) published in June 2013 and adapted to the Rwandan national context. It thus responds to the need by th...e Ministry of Health to improve skills of actors in the health sector as well as the quality of care and treatment offered in both public and private health facilities countrywide.
This publication offers practical advice on implementing HIV and STI programmes for transgender people, with a focus on transgender women, aligned with the 2011 Recommendations and the 2014 Key Populations Consolidated Guidelines. It contains examples of good practice from around the world that may efforts in planning programmes and services, and describes issues that should be considered and how to overcome challenges.
This tool describes how services can be designed and implemented to be acceptable and accessible to transgender women. To accomplish this, respectful and ongoing engagement with them is essential.
This tool gives particular attention to programmes run by transgender people themselves, in contexts where this is possible.
CARE International’s Personal Safety & Security Handbook has been developed to provide practical personal safety and security advice and guidance to all staff working in CARE offices and field sites throughout the world.
Each section has a detailed list of contents at the beginning and cut-ou...t tabs to allow fast access to topics. Symbols and easy referencing are used throughout the handbook to help you find what you need quickly.