A Joint Position Statement of the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM) and the Indian
Association of Palliative Care (IAPC)
Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine September 2014 Vol 18 Issue 9
Adapted from well-established decision-making concepts and honed through practical application in resource-limited settings, the AFP Advocacy Portfolio includes:
1. Advocate for Family Planning, an introduction to AFP’s approach.
2. Develop a Strategy, featuring a tool to understand your context... and AFP SMART: A Guide to Quick Wins, our 9-step approach to developing a focused, collaborative advocacy strategy that leads to quick wins.
3. Implement a Plan, tools to monitor your impact and make your case to decision makers.
4. Capture Results, with the AFP Results Cascade: A User’s Guide, a monitoring and evaluation tool that provides instructions to track a quick win or series of quick wins to long-term impact, and case study writing guidance.
This guide was prepared to enable advocates to use data
when advocating for universal access to SRHR at the national,
regional and global levels. It is a direct outcome of the Strategic
SRHR Indicators workshop held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on
21-22 August for the project “Strengthening the N...etworking,
Knowledge Management and Advocacy Capacities of an AsiaPacific
Network for SRHR” supported by the EU.
One of the major objectives of the project is to develop
a comprehensive monitoring framework of indicators for
measuring government performance to fulfil their international
commitments, particularly to the ICPD and the MDGs, both in
the Asia-Pacific region and globally.
The information in this report is up-to-date as of June 2016.
The report, which follows a field visit to the country between 28 May and 6 June, also emphasises the need for international organisations to be mindful of the long present efforts of Greek lawyers and NGOs in the field, and recommends... that new initiatives should be targeted and sustainable.
Staying safe in spite of a disaster. What can you do for your safety in the event of a disaster?
In spring 2013, after weeks of rain, whole areas of southern, eastern and northern Germany were beset by catastrophic floods. Settlements vanished in th...e floods up to the roofs of the houses, tens of thousands of emergency personnel and volunteers struggled against the water with sandbags. Villages and parts of towns had to be evacuated, and the citizens were only able to take the essentials with them.
Disasters are part of life. Almost every day, we can read about disasters and largescale emergencies in a variety of media and see the images of destruction and suffering. These are not just major disasters which affect large areas for a long time. Local torrential rain, a severe storm, an electric power breakdown resulting from such a storm, or a house fire can trigger a very personal disaster for each individual, each family, which has to be overcome. Take the time to contemplate your personal emergency planning.
This brochure aims to help you to develop your personal preparedness plan.
The brochure is also available in different languages: https://www.bbk.bund.de/DE/Service/Publikationen/Broschürenfaltblätter/Ratgeber_node.html
WG Implementation Guidelines Tool2
UNICEF Strategic Plan 2018-2021. Draft Theory of Change Paper
This document is one of eight PDF documents that comprise the Guidance on Child-focused Victim
Assistance. All are available in PDF at . The full document is also available.
This first section contains the Acknowledgements, Foreword, Acronyms and Chapters 1 th...rough 4: Chapter 1. Introduction: The Need for Child-focused Victim Assistance Guidance; Chapter 2. Mine Action, UNICEF and Guidance on Child Victim Assistance ;Chapter 3. Victim Assistance: Stakeholders and International Standards; Chapter 4. Principles, Coordination and Cross-cutting Aspects of Victim Assistance