FAO’s component of the Global COVID-19 Humanitarian Response Plan
Данное руководство представляет собой попытку объединения проверенных универсальных подходов к оказанию психологической и психиатрической помощи в чрезвыча...ных ситуациях с одной сто-роны, и необходимость учета факторов, специфичных для каждой отдельной культуры, с другой.
Accessed on 2019
The Minimum Standards for Age and Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Action inform the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian programmes across all sectors and phases of response, and in all emergency contexts, ensuring older people and people with disabilities are not e...xcluded.
Contributions in International Seminars 1988 -2008
Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counselling, no. 20
Supplement October 2010
HIV/AIDS, security and conflict: making the connections
as of 12:00 AM, 17 September 2018 - 6:00 AM, 17 September 2018
Stories of how people in Georgia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan and Vietnam made inclusive development happen in their societies. It contains significant experiences andlessons learnt about the practice of inclusive development for a wide range of excluded or marginalised groups, useful for policy-mak...ers, programme designers, local authorities, development practitioners and community leaders alike.
The creaNon of ‘friendly spaces’ for women and girls has been a key
strategy in the protecNon and empowerment of women 1 and girls in South
Sudan since conflict re-erupted in the country in December 2013. This
document provides guidance on the aims of these spaces, and how they
can best be e...stablished and managed in the South Sudan context.
Guidelines for the development and implementation of institution-specific protection concepts
Lessons from the IRC’s Early Emergency Response in the Urban Areas of Lesbos between September 2015 and March 2016
Progress report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee (A/HRC/33/53) (Advance edited version)