This module should always be used together with the
mhGAP Intervention Guide for Mental, Neurological
and Substance Use Disorders in Non-specialized Health
Settings (WHO, 2010), which outlines relevant general
principles of care and management of a range of other
mental, neurological and substa...nce use disorders.
In the future, this module may be integrated with other
products in the following ways:
– This module may be integrated – in its full form –
into future iterations of the existing mhGAP Intervention
– The module will be integrated –in a simplified structure –
into a new product, the WHO-UNHCR mhGAP Intervention
Guide for Humanitarian Settings (planned for 2014).
What can you expect?
As a future facilitator your role will be to learn about the structure of mhGAP-IG, how to teach the materials and utilize opportunities to prastice facilitation and supervision skills.
As a supervisor your role will be to serve as a point of reference for non-specialized providers, supporting them in providing service for individuals with MNS disorders in non-specialized health settings.
The main purpose of the training package is to develop the minimum skills and knowledge required by personnel involved in wheelchair service delivery. An important aim of the training package is to get it integrated into the regular paramedical/rehabilitation training programs such as physiotherapy,... occupational therapy, prosthetics and orthotics, rehabilitation nursing. Towards this, WHO is posting the whole training package in the Website for the training institutes and wheelchair service providers. The easiest way to make use of the training package is to download the complete package (requires 3 GB space).
DHS Working Papers No. 82
HIV & AIDS Treatment in Practice No.199
HIV & AIDS Treatment in Practice No. 198
Case Management; Guide for Tutors
1.HIV infections – drug therapy. 2.Anti-HIV agents – adverse effects. 3.Anti-retroviral agents. 4.Benzoxazines – adverse effects. 5.Pregnancy. 6.Disease transmission, Vertical - prevention and control. 7.Treatment outcome. I.World Health Organization
This document presents a strategic framework, aimed towards the development of sustainable global, regional and national plans relating to laboratory biorisk management.
Guidance on TB and TB/HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care in the workplace