WHO published and launched the third part of the Wheelchair Service Training Package (WSTP) series consisting of two sub-packages: the Wheelchair Service Training Package for Managers (WSTPm) and the Wheelchair Service Training Package for Stakeholders (WSTPs). WHO recognises that in order to develo...p an effective and sustainable wheelchair service provision; managers and stakeholders need to be informed about the importance and benefit of a proper wheelchair service provision. The training manuals and introductory folder comes with 8 GB PenDrive, which contains A to Z of the wheelchair provision.
From Individual to Collective healing: A trainer’s manual
tep 1 Competencies have been designed to provide staff with the core skills required to care for a critically ill patient safely, whilst under supervision. It is expected that Step 1 competencies will be completed prior to commencing an academic critical care programme.
Steps 2 & 3 Competencies hav...e been designed to further develop your essential critical care skills and will require enhanced theoretical knowledge to underpin your practice. It is anticipated that Steps 2 & 3 competencies will be undertaken whilst undertaking an academic critical care programme.
Step 4 Competencies have been designed to provide staff with the core skills required to take charge in a critical care unit; building management and leadership capability into your professional development, to demonstrate safe and effective coordination and prioritisation of unit workload, workforce and resources.
You can downlaod any of the Steps Competency Documents from this link
The Road to Recovery. This synthesis report is based on three national studies on the evolution of the Ebola epidemic and its impact on Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone
This document builds on the Background document prepared for the September 4-5, 2014 Consultation. It includes proposed elements to consider during the development of a framework to assist decision-making at global and national level.
The aim of the document is to assist Member States and releva...nt partners in their discussions to identify the best approaches to ensure the accelerated evaluation and use of available or near-term therapies and vaccines for the treatment and prevention of EVD. The document calls for a coordinated effort by the international community to remove unnecessary obstacles towards this goal.
PeerJ PrePrints , http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.579v1 2 Nov 2014
Fact Sheet Global Atlas of medical devices
The aim of this report is to: (1) synthesize the findings from selected maternal and newborn related studies in Nepal conducted during 2011-2014, (2) identify areas of improvement in existing interventions, and (3) recommend possible strategies to fulfill such gaps.
As knowledge on Ebola-related safety measures accumulates, this guidance is provisional. This guide focuses on psychological first aid, which involves humane, supportive and practical help to follow human beings suffering serious crisis events. The guidance has been written for people who help othe...rs during Ebola virus disease outbreaks.
Towards attaining the highest standard Health.
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases September 2014 | Volume 8 | Issue 9 | e3016 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003016