STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS | SUPPLEMENT No. 8 28th March, 2014 | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLEMENT | to The Uganda Gazette No. 18 Volume CVII dated 28th March, 2014 | Printed by UPPC, Entebbe, by Order of the Government. | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS | 2014 No. 29.
Documentation of Best Practices and Bottlenecks to Program Implementation in Senegal
Accessed at March 2014
DHS Analytical Studies No. 44 Rockville, Maryland, USA: ICF International.
This guide is a resource for physicians and other health care professionals who provide care and treatment to patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis.
Ce profil pays est le résultat d'une évaluation du paysage menée par le personnel et les collègues d'Advancing Partners & Communuties (APC). Cette évaluation du paysage portait sur les pays prioritaires de l'Agence des États-Unis pour le Développement International (USAID) en termes de Popula...tion et de Santé de la Reproduction, et s'intéressait plus particulièrement à la planification familiale car c'est le point central du projet APC. Le but de l'évaluation du paysage fut de recueillir les informations les plus récentes disponibles sur le système de santé communautaire, les agents de santé communautaires et les services de santé communautaires dans chaque pays. Ce profil est destiné à refléter les informations recueillies. Lorsque cela est possible, les informations présentées sont justifiées par les politiques nationales et d'autres documents pertinents ; cependant, une grande partie des informations sont le résultat de l'expertise institutionnelle et d'entrevues personnelles en raison de l'absence relative d'informations publiquement disponibles sur les systèmes nationaux de santé communautaires. En conséquence, des lacunes et des incohérences peuvent exister dans ce profil.
This handbook provides an overview of the law applicable to asylum, border management and immigration in relation to European Union (EU) law and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). It looks at the situation of those foreigners whom the EU usually refers to as third-country nationals. Thi...s handbook is designed to assist legal practitioners as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other bodies that are not specialised in the field of asylum, borders and immigration law and that may be confronted with legal qüstions relating to these subjects.
For versions in other European languages check also
This interim guidance is aimed at assisting organizers of international meetings attended by individuals from EVD-affected countries and individuals with a travel history to EVD-affected countries within the previous 3 weeks.
The first part is intended for organizers of international meetings, to ...safely plan and conduct these events. The second part is addressed to public health authorities directly involved in supporting such international meetings.
Induced abortion is permitted in Burkina Faso only to save the life and protect the health of a
pregnant woman, or in cases of rape, incest, and severe fetal impairment. As a result, the vast
majority of women who end unintended pregnancies do so in secrecy, out of fear of prosecution
and to avoi...d the social stigma that surrounds this practice. Most clandestine abortions are carried
out in unsafe conditions that jeopardize women’s health and sometimes their lives. This report
presents estimates of the number and rate of induced abortions that occurred in Burkina Faso in
2008 and 2012; reports levels of unintended pregnancy (the major reason that women seek
abortions in the first place); and describes some of the adverse consequences of unsafe abortion
for women, their families and society.
Evaluation report
September 2014
General practitioners and pediatricians must know the signs and
symptoms of possible pediatric cancer.
Conceived as part of the CWS-A/P project on regional security and risk management, this book presents a
collection of testimonies from aid workers in some of the most insecure and volatile environments in the world.
The participants recount a broad array of security incidents, such as kidnappings,... suicide bombings, mob
violence, road ambushes, and point-blank range shootings. Their narrative provides valuable information on
how organizations can manage security risks and streamline safety policies.