Brazilian media and science communicators must understand the main characteristics of misinformation in social media about COVID-19, so that they can develop attractive, up-to-date and evidence-based content that helps to increase health literacy and counteract the spread of false information.
SAJCC July 2011, Vol. 27, No. 1
The number of COVID-19 cases is on the rise again, with South Africa nearing half of all confirmed cases in the WHO African Region. Threats of new variants loom and low vaccination coverage raises questions on the future of the response to COVID-19. Prevention remains the key strategy in most sub-Sa...haran countries. Five National Centres (NCs) from the African Health Observatory Platform on Health Systems and Policies (AHOP), based in Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda and Senegal, reflect on lessons to be learnt from their containment responses in the initial phases. They construct timelines to highlight the policies and challenges associated with introducing a range of public health containment measures and
discuss the extent to which these measures continue to be valuable given the ever-changing nature of the pandemic.
This document focus on the direct consequences of the virus (morbidity and mortality) in specific populations and on the results of measures aimed at mitigating the spread of the virus, with indirect impacts on socio-economic conditions. In this complex scenario, the gender approach has not received... due attention during the pandemic. Gender is one of the structural determinants of health, but it does not appear in analyses of the direct and indirect effects of the pandemic, despite being essential in the recognition and analysis of the differential impacts on men and women and their interaction with the different determinants of health.
Post Graduate programme is essential to prepare nurses to improve the
quality of nursing education and practice in India. .
Post graduate programme in nursing builds upon and extends competence
acquired at the graduate levels, emphasizes application of relevant theories
into nursing practice, ed...ucation, administration and development of
research skills.
RESULTS: Between 76 and 97% of the PHCS offered RMCAH services before the lockdown. Except in antenatal, delivery and adolescent care, there was a decline of between 2 and 6% in all the services during the lockdown and up to 10% decline after the lockdown with variation across and within States. the lockdown. Full-service delivery was reported by 75.2% whereas 24.8% delivered partial services. There was a significant reduction in clients' utilization of the services during the lockdown, and the difference between States before the pandemic, during, and after the lockdown. Reported difficulties during the lockdown included stock-out of drugs (25.7%), stock-out of contraceptives (25.1%), harassment by the law enforcement agents (76.9%), and transportation difficulties (55.8%). Only 2% of the PHCs reported the availability of gowns, 18% had gloves, 90.1% had hand sanitizers, and a temperature checker was available in 94.1%. Slightly above 10% identified clients with symptoms of COVID-19.
CONCLUSIONS: The large proportion of PHCs who provided RMCAH services despite the lockdown demonstrates resilience. Considering the several difficulties reported, and the limited provision of primary protective equipment more effort by the government and non-governmental agencies is recommended to strengthen delivery of sexual and reproductive health in primary health centres in Nigeria during the pandemic.
A study conducted by the World Health Organisation Regional Office for Africa. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on older persons both globally and in the African region. Although overall the region’s population is younger relative to many other world regions, the WHO AFRO region ...has a population just over 62 million older people and is ageing rapidly, with the number of older people expected to triple in the next three decades (Aboderin et al., 2020).
To support countries in adapting their response to different COVID-19 scenarios, the World Health
Organization (WHO) Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing commissioned this scoping review of published and grey literature. The objective was to identify interventions... implemented to maintain the provision and use of essential services for MNCAAH during disruptive events and to summarize lessons learned during these interventions. The review included outbreaks of Ebola virus disease (EVD), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Zika virus disease (ZVD), the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies that caused disruption to services, transport and other activities.
Recommendations for in-patient management of COVID-19 in adult patients
Version 10, November 2020.
European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol.3 (2016) 1, 192-206
This review shows that if all sub areas of pharmaceutical waste management can efficiently work back to back environmental pollution and dangers to human health can reduce significantly.
Afr J Thoracic Crit Care Med 2021;27(4):Published online 22 October 2021.
Cette publication présente le Programme sur la santé, l’environnement et les changements climatiques pour les Amériques 2021-2030. Le Programme est un appel à l’action au secteur de la santé pour qu’il prenne l’initiative d’agir sur les déterminants environnementaux de la santé dans... les Amériques. L’Organisation panaméricaine de la Santé (OPS) travaillera avec les États Membres pour atteindre son but et son objectif, qui consistent à permettre à tous de vivre en bonne santé et à promouvoir le bien-être de tous à tout âge, en employant une approche durable et équitable qui accorde la priorité à la réduction des iniquités en matière de santé. Le programme a été élaboré sous l’égide de la Stratégie mondiale de l’OMS sur la santé, l’environnement et les changements climatiques et s’appuie sur les engagements énoncés dans le Programme d’action sanitaire durable pour les Amériques 2018-2030 et le Plan stratégique de l’OPS 2020-2025. Le programme a été élaboré en consultation avec le groupe consultatif technique et par un processus décisionnel consensuel avec les États Membres au cours de la période 2019-2020. En vue de la réalisation de l’objectif de développement durable 3, le programme se concentre sur l’amélioration de la performance des programmes et des institutions de santé publique environnementale, la promotion de systèmes de santé résilients et durables sur le plan environnemental et la promotion de villes et de communautés saines et résilientes sur le plan environnemental. Sa mise en œuvre sera adaptée au contexte, en fonction des besoins et des réalités des pays. Il profitera aux pays et aux territoires en encourageant les pratiques de bonne gouvernance, en renforçant les rôles de leadership et de coordination du secteur de la santé, en favorisant l’action intersectorielle, en se concentrant sur la prévention primaire et en améliorant les données probantes et la communication. Il facilitera l’accès aux ressources humaines, techniques et financières nécessaires pour agir sur les déterminants environnementaux de la santé et fera en sorte que la Région soit pleinement engagée dans les processus et les accords mondiaux en matière de santé, d’environnement et de changements climatiques.