The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2018-2022 sets out the UN partnership aiming to support Nepal as it carves out its development agenda over the next five years. At the core of this new UNDAF are the SDGs, the Government of Nepal’s Fourteenth Plan, and international commi...tments and norms to which Nepal is a party. Leaping off from the lessons learned from the previous UNDAF (2013-2017), this new framework builds upon successes, incorporates emerging issues and agreements, and serves to address Nepal’s larger economic, social, and environmental objectives.
The guideline uses state-of-the-art evidence to identify effective policy options to strengthen community health worker (CHW) programme performance through their proper integration in health systems and communities.
Successful delivery of services through CHWs requires evidence-based models for edu...cation, deployment and management of these health workers. The guideline is intended as a tool for national policy makers and planners and their international partners to use in the design, implementation, performance and evaluation of effective community health worker programmes. It contains pragmatic recommendations on selection, training and certification; management and supervision: and integration into health systems and community engagement.
International Health and Human Rights (2018) 18:18
Disability awareness, Community, Attitudes, Experts-by-experience
This publication explores how housing, land and property rights issues have been addressed in peace agreements concluded over the past three decades. It provides practical guidance for peace negotiators on all sides in Myanmar and outlines how addressing these rights in the peace process will build ...the groundwork needed for an eventual peace agreement or agreements in the country.
Le Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme (PNLP) a adopté un plan stratégique 2016-2020 qui se veut un plan de consolidation des acquis de la mise en oeuvre du plan décennal de développement sanitaire et social et entend accorder la priorité au renforcement des capacités en matière d...’offre de services et de création de la demande.
A travers son impact direct sur l’économie, l’entreprise et les communautés locales, le paludisme constitue un véritable frein au développement économique des pays endémiques, en particulier en Afrique.
Vaincre le Sida par Tous, une Riposte pour Tous
Le Plan Stratégique National de Lutte contre le Sida (PSN) 2018-2022 sera le cadre unique pour tous les acteurs de la lutte contre le sida au Sénégal. Il constitue la référence pour la programmation des activités aux niveaux national et régio...nal, et sera l’outil indispensable pour l’harmonisation et l’alignement des partenaires. Ce plan traduit la vision et les engagements du Gouvernement du Sénégal à maintenir les acquis et à orienter la riposte vers l’élimination du sida en utilisant toutes les opportunités et ressources, aussi bien domestiques qu’internationales.
These WHO guidelines which were updated in 2018, are valid for any country and suitable to local adaptations, and take account of the strength of available scientific evidence, the cost and resource implications, and patient values and preferences.
The 2018 edition of the guidelines includes the of the recommendation regarding the use of 80% fraction of inspired oxygen (high FiO2) in surgical patients under general anaesthesia with tracheal intubation and the update of the section on implementation. Between 2017 and 2018, WHO re-assessed the evidence on the use of high FiO2 by updating the systematic review related to the effectiveness of this intervention to reduce SSI and commissioning an independent systematic review on adverse events potentially associated with it. Based on the updated evidence, the GDG decided to revise the strength of the recommendation from strong to conditional.
Le Sénégal a réalisé des Enquêtes Démographiques et de Santé (EDS) en 1986, 1992, 1997, 2005, et 2010-2011. Au sortir de l’édition de 2010-2011, le pays s’est engagé dans la mise en œuvre d’un programme d’enquêtes dont la périodicité de collecte de données est ramenée à un an... (EDScontinue). C’est ainsi que la première phase a été réalisée en 2012-2013 et celle de 2017 est la cinquième. L’EDS- Continue comporte un volet traitant de la production d’indicateurs sociodémographiques et sanitaires (volet ménages) et un autre qui apprécie la disponibilité des ressources matérielles et humaines ainsi que la qualité des soins offerts par les services de santé aux populations (volet établissements de santé).
Saving Lives Through Safe Surgery (SaLTS)
The update of the ESTC was conducted as a joint endeavour with ERS, consulting experts from international societies and organisations, national TB programmes, civil society and affected communities. The second edition of the ESTC includes 21 standards in the areas of diagnosis, treatment, HIV and co...-morbidities and public health and prevention. The ESTC is a user-friendly guide for clinicians and public health workers to help them achieve optimal diagnosis, treatment and prevention of TB
Available in 25 languages:
This document contains a series of desk reviews for the eight ENGAGE-TB priority countries supported by the Global Fund (DRC, Kenya, Indonesia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan and Tanzania). The document provides a situation assessment and gap analysis about the state of community based TB ac...tivities in these countries. The focus on these eight countries was justified by the high prevalence of TB and the very high number of missed/unreported cases.
This is an open-access training course for frontline healthcare providers who manage acute illness and injury with limited resources. Produced in response to requests from multiple countries and international partners, the BEC package includes a Participant Workbook and electronic slide decks for module. Integrating the guidance from WHO Emergency Triage, Assessment and Treatment (ETAT) for children and the Integrated Management of Adult/Adolescent Illness (IMAI), BEC teaches a systematic approach to the initial assessment and management of time-sensitive conditions where early intervention saves lives
Accessed online January 2018
A list of terms found within the Measures Review Database (MRD). This fact sheet defines various terms from the MRD to help users better understand the measures reviews.
These guidelines will assist the ICMR institutions/ centers/ Hqrs. by providing information on the policies, principles and approaches which should be followed in carrying out procurement of goods and services at their respective institute/ center/ Hqrs.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15(12), 2626;
Climate change is increasing risks to human health and to the health systems that seek to protect the safety and well-being of populations. Health authorities require information about current associatio...ns between health outcomes and weather or climate, vulnerable populations, projections of future risks and adaptation opportunities in order to reduce exposures, empower individuals to take needed protective actions and build climate-resilient health systems. An increasing number of health authorities from local to national levels seek this information by conducting climate change and health vulnerability and adaptation assessments. While assessments can provide valuable information to plan for climate change impacts, the results of many studies are not helping to build the global evidence-base of knowledge in this area. They are also often not integrated into adaptation decision making, sometimes because the health sector is not involved in climate change policy making processes at the national level. Significant barriers related to data accessibility, a limited number of climate and health models, uncertainty in climate projections, and a lack of funding and expertise, particularly in developing countries, challenge health authority efforts to conduct rigorous assessments and apply the findings. This paper examines the evolution of climate change and health vulnerability and adaptation assessments, including guidance developed for such projects, the number of assessments that have been conducted globally and implementation of the findings to support health adaptation action. Greater capacity building that facilitates assessments from local to national scales will support collaborative efforts to protect health from current climate hazards and future climate change. Health sector officials will benefit from additional resources and partnership opportunities to ensure that evidence about climate change impacts on health is effectively translated into needed actions to build health resilience.