HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative Care 2016:8 183–193
Parasites & Vectors volume 11, Article number: 264 (2018)
Dengue creates a staggering epidemiological and economic burden for endemic countries. Without a specific therapy and with a commercial vaccine that presents some problems relative to its full effectiveness, initiatives to improve vector... control strategies, early disease diagnostics and the development of vaccines and antiviral drugs are priorities. In this study, we present the probable origins of dengue in America and the trajectories of its spread. Overall, dengue diagnostics are costly, making the monitoring of dengue epidemiology more difficult and affecting physicians’ therapeutic decisions regarding dengue patients, especially in developing countries. This review also highlights some recent and important findings regarding dengue in Brazil and the Americas. We also summarize the existing DENV polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnostic tests to provide an improved reference since these tests are useful and accurate at discriminating DENV from other flaviviruses that co-circulate in the Americas. Additionally, these DENV PCR assays ensure virus serotyping, enabling epidemiologic monitoring.
Journal of Tuberculosis Research, 2017, 5, 189-200
Background: In Benin, little is known about the influence of both gender and
HIV-status on diagnostic patterns and treatment outcomes of Tuberculosis
(TB) patients. Objective: To assess whether differences in gender and HIV
status affect diagn...ostic patterns and treatment outcomes of TB patients. Methods:
Retrospective cohort study of patients registered in 2013 and 2014 in
the three largest TB Basic Management Units in south Benin. Results: Of 2694
registered TB patients, 1700 (63.1%) were male. Case notification rates were
higher in males compared with females (96 vs 53/100,000 inhabitants). The
male to female ratio was 1:1 in HIV positive patients, but was 2:1 among HIV
negative cases. In HIV-positive patients, there were no differences in TB types
between men and women. In HIV-negative patients, there were significantly
higher proportions of females with clinically diagnosed pulmonary TB (p =
0.04) and extrapulmonary TB (p < 0.001). Retreatment TB was 4.65 times
higher amongst males compared with females. For New bacteriologically confirmed
pulmonary TB, no differences were observed in treatment outcomes
between genders in the HIV positive group; but significantly more unfavorable
outcomes were reported among HIV negative males, with higher rates of
failure (p < 0.001) and loss-to-follow up (p = 0.02). Conclusion: The study
has shown that overall TB notification rates were higher in males than in females
in south Benin, with more females co-infected with HIV. Unfavorable outcomes were more common in HIV-negative males.
National Tuberclosis and
Leprosy Programme (NTLP)
National Tuberculosis and Leprosy control Program
Revised National TB Control Programme. Annual Status Report
Plano nacional pelo Fim da tuberculose como Problema de Saúde Pública
Results of the first national survey, 2013–2014
Methodology for evaluating national national arboviral disease prevention and and control of arboviral diseases in the Americas
El Programa Nacional de Chagas ha definido la utilización de dos medicamentos para el tratamiento de la Enfermedad de Chagas Crónico Reciente Infantil (en niños de 9 meses a menor de 15 años); el benznidazol (BNZ) que será utilizado como medicamento de primera elección en todos los casos con d...iagnóstico serológico positivo confirmado y el nifurtimox (NFT) que será utilizado como segunda alternativa en aquellos casos que hubieran presentado reacciones adversas graves al benznidazol, e indiquen un cambio de conducta.
This policy brief is targeted at national governments, donors and regional and international actors to support Ebola-affected countries to transition from emergency response to recovery.
El Laboratorio de Micología del Centro Nacional de Salud Pública del Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) ha elaborado el presente manual de procedimientos micológicos, a fin de actualizar y uniformizar los conocimientos referidos al diagnóstico micológico que se basa en la identificación precisa... de los agentes causales de las micosis, aislados a partir de muestras clínicas representativas, así como también en pruebas de susceptibilidad antifúngica.
La présente évaluation vise à fournir une meilleure compréhension des capacités et des besoins du Collège National des Gynécologues Obstétriciens du Bénin (CNGOB). De façon spécifique, il vise l’identification des principaux besoins en matière de plaidoyer pour l'avortement sécurisé ...dans le cadre d’un futur projet multi-pays. En outre, elle a essayé d’apporter plus de clarté sur la façon dont la FIGO peut plus efficacement renforcer les capacités des sociétés nationales, dont le CNGOB. Pour ce fait, elle s’est basée sur la revue documentaire, une enquête en ligne adressée aux acteurs clés du collège, des entretiens avec différentes parties prenantes puis sur un atelier des acteurs membres et partenaire du CNGOB.
Las guías para la prevención de Infecciones del Sitio Quirúrgico (ISQ) resumen las medidas basadas en la evidencia que han demostrado disminuir su incidencia y mejorar la calidad asistencial de los pacientes sometidos a cirugía. La última revisión local fue realizada en el año 2009, en el del consenso intersociedades INE - SADI - ADECI.
Reliable cause specic mortality statistics are the cornerstone of national health information
systems. They are essential for evidence-based decision making for monitoring health of
populations, health services planning and delivery, programme implementation, policy development
and epidemiolog...ical research.
PEPFAR Malawi’s Country Operational Plan 2022 (COP22) embodies joint priorities from national and subnational dialogues building on the 2020-2025 National Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS. The interagency team has developed a person-centered, district-tailored and Malawi Population-Based HIV Impact Ass...essment (MPHIA)-informed strategy through extensive engagement with Government of Malawi (GoM) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to sustain HIV epidemic control. At the end of COP21, PEPFAR Malawi was commended for contributing to reaching epidemic control in strong collaboration with GoM and stakeholders including the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund). This includes enrollment of 88% of recipients of care on three or more months of antiretroviral treatment (ART), better outcomes for Malawian children through remarkable efforts in Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) programming and progress made towards reaching men with more intentional and focused programming.