Rev Esp Sanid Penit 2012; 14: 11-16 11
13280–13285 / PNAS / September 9, 2008 / vol. 105 / no. 36
Mapping Report - Portugal
This document serves as an update to “Out of the Dark”, a report published by MSF in October 2011, highlighting the need to prioritise the long-neglected area of paediatric tuberculosis (TB). This update will outline the key improvements and setbacks—the ‘highlights’ and ‘...lowlights’—that have occurred over the last year.
Review Article:
The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 2011;341(6):493–498.]
Special summit of African Union on HIV and Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (atm) Abuja, Nigeria 2–4 may, 2006Sp/Assembly/ATM/2 (I), Rev.3
Abuja call for accelerated action towards universal access to HIV and Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria services in Africa
Eur Respir J. 2014 April ; 43(4): 1132–1141. doi:10.1183/09031936.00203613.
DHS Working Papers No. 127
UNICEF Child Alert | February 2018
Back in Myanmar, an estimated half million Rohingya remain largely sealed off in their communities and displacement camps, fearful that the violence and horror that had driven so many of their relatives and neighbours to fl ee would engulf them too.
Today, are an estimated 720,000 Rohingya children in southern Bangladesh and Myanmar’s Rakhine State, in dire need of humanitarian assistance and protection – and looking to the outside world for help.