Este documento técnico presenta las Normativas de Planificación Operativa
del Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social para apoyar la
preparación del país y la respuesta ante el Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
El Protocolo y guía operativa para el retorno seguro a instituciones educativas del Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia de Paraguay para 2021 recoge experiencias desarrolladas en diversos países y recomendaciones de expertos y se estructura en dos apartados principales. El primero presenta un protoc...olo general que desarrolla temas como el alcance, los principios rectores, los antecedentes, y los equipos de trabajo que deben conformarse para el retorno seguro a las aulas. El segundo apartado define los aspectos operativos de la vuelta a clases, ofreciendo información detallada acerca de la distribución del espacio físico en los centros educativos, la organización de los grupos de docentes y estudiantes, y las reglas de convivencia que permitirán una permanencia segura en el recinto educativo.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to threaten health and food systems around the world, the 2020 Global Nutrition Report calls on governments, businesses and civil society to step up efforts to address malnutrition in all its forms.
Internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, migrants and returnees constitute a sizeable population in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. There were 12 million refugees (half are Palestinians) and 13 million IDPs in the Region as of 2018. These populations are often vul...nerable to poor health due to the conditions they live in and limited access to needed quality health care. In addition, those who can access care, are often faced with financial hardship. There are also 46 million professionals and low-income labour migrants in the Region (of which 22 million are from the Region), with differential access to health services and varied health coverage schemes
School health programmes have been demonstrated to be the most cost-effective way to influence health behaviours in young people. The purpose of this two-part handbook is to support schools as they seek to implement interventions aimed at reducing the main modifiable risk behaviours f...or noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) . The background provided in this Introduction handbook and the approaches and advice outlined in the Practical application handbook focuses on providing young people with the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and life skills necessary for making informed decisions, and creating a healthy school environment that can reduce the risk of NCDs
School health programmes are the most cost-effective way to influence health behaviours in young people. The purpose of this two-part handbook is to support schools as they seek to implement interventions in order to reduce the main modifiable risk behaviours for noncommunicable This Practical application handbook provides advice to schools on providing young people with the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and life skills necessary for making informed decisions, and creating a healthy school environment that can reduce the risk of NCDs
This is the story of how an experiment in the north of Ghana changed the health of a nation. How health staff in remote and rural areas are working tirelessly to prevent the deaths of mothers and children. How a radical approach to health research, known as embedded research, has revolutionized how ...the government delivers health services under difficult circumstances.
Este manual operativo determina los aspectos y las etapas primordiales de la ampliación programática del tratamiento preventivo de la tuberculosis, y proporciona herramientas de ejecución e instrumentos de trabajo para la adaptación al contexto local, así como indicadores de seguimiento y evalu...ación de la gestión. En él se destacan los elementos clave que deben tenerse en cuenta en la atención al paciente, la planificación nacional estratégica y la movilización de recursos
Los presentes Lineamientos tecnicos del ministerio de salud de El Salvador establece las disposiciones para la prevención y control de la tuberculosis, para su aplicación por el personal del Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud para incidir en la reducción de la morbimortalidad causada por la enfe...rmedad. Este documento tiene como enfoqe especial el tuberculosis y la diabetes. Incluye propositos de promocion de salud con la participación comunitaria para el control de la tuberculosis. Ademas propone una educacion de salud con enfasis en tuberculosis.
Documento incluye recomendaciones para personas con necesidades de manejo terapéutico asociados a consumo problemático de alcohol y otras drogas, problemas o enfermedades de salud mental, discapacidad psíquica, o en condiciones de exclusión social extrema, sin posibilidad de cumplir aislamiento ...en su domicilio y
en alto riesgo de contagio, grupo que también se relevará para el ingreso a las residencias sanitarias.
Cette note d'orientation développée par l'UNICEF est destinée à aider le personnel WASH dans sa préparation et sa réponse à la pandémie actuelle de COVID-19. Elle donne un aperçu de la prévention et du contrôle des infections (IPC) et de son intersection avec l'eau, l'assainissement et l'...hygiène (WASH), et explique comment le personnel peut contribuer à prévenir l'infection et sa propagation dans les écoles, que ce soit par contact entre humains ou avec des surfaces contaminées par le virus. Les services WASH, y compris la gestion des déchets et le nettoyage de l'environnement, sont tous importants pour la CIP. Ce dossier est disponible en anglais, espagnol et français ici.
People experiencing social disadvantage and marginalization are known to be disproportionately impacted by ill-health. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, persons with disabilities may have increased risk for exposure, complications, and death
This document provides guidance on the implementation of the shielding approach in urban areas in LICs and crisis-affected regions. It is intended for the community itself, national and local governance institutions, and humanitarian and development actors operating in the country.
The following Emergency Response Plan for the COVID-19 pandemic seeks to set out activities that will be undertaken by humanitarian actors in Ukraine over the course of 2020 to respond to the public health impact of the epidemic – as well as the indirect, socio-economic impact on people’s well-b...eing, which will span across many areas. Given the extensive public exposure of the COVID-19 threat, the response will cover the whole of Ukraine, while providing a distinct focus on Donetska and Luhanska oblasts that have been ravaged by an armed conflict for the last six consecutive years. The planned COVID-19 response in the two conflict-affected oblasts will be treated as an annex to the current Humanitarian Response Plan for Ukraine
Saude mental relacoes raciais e Covid 19
Kenya is home to 4 million girls and women who have experienced FGM. Overall, 21 per cent of girls and women aged 15 to 49 years have undergone the practice, varying from 98 per cent in the North Eastern region to 1 per cent in the Western region
19 April 2020
To contain the spread of COVID-19 and to keep infections at a manageable level, many countries have instituted lockdowns and social distancing. In India, a nationwide 21-day lockdown was announced with effect from 25 March 2020. This lockdown is expected to avert a sudden and large in...crease in the number of infections in the short term. Additionally, interventions such as social distancing and isolation of infected individuals over several months could reduce peak infections. Interventions such as frequent handwashing, reduced mass gatherings, contact tracing, and quarantines could slow transmission and reduce overall infections.
As medidas não farmacêuticas incluem medidas de proteção pessoal, medidas ambientais, medidas de distanciamento social e medidas relacionadas com as viagens. Estas considerações detalham a implementação de medidas de distanciamento social e medidas relacionadas com as viagens (doravante deno...minadas “medidas”) descritas nos documentos de orientação provisórios da OMS Ações críticas de preparação, prontidão e resposta à COVID-19, Respondendo à propagação comunitária da COVID-19, e leva em conta o documento da OMS Medidas não farmacêuticas de saúde pública para mitigar o risco e o impacto da influenza epidêmica e pandêmica. No momento de redação deste documento, os países e territórios da Região das Américas experimentam, de modo geral, o mesmo cenário de transmissão. As considerações que estão sendo oferecidas encontram-se sujeitas a revisão à medida que a pandemia evoluir e houver mais informação disponível.