- Part A is an introductory part which will give you background information about CBDRR in Myanmar. It has a small section about the importance of CBDRR in Myanmar, the stakeholders of CBDRR in Myanmar, as well as an overview about the challenges that are faced when implementing CBDRR... in Myanmar.
- Part B contains the instructions on how to conduct the 9-step process agreed upon and described in detail in the step-by-step methodology document. These nine (9) steps are considered the minimum required activities to be followed by all MRCS community based initiatives regardless of their budget or time frame.
- Part C includes all the implementation steps of CBDRR programs namely step 6 (Action Plan Development), and step 7 (Implementation of Action Plan).
- Part D includes all the steps that finalize a CBDRR program namely step 4 and step 8 (Baseline and Endline Study) as well as step 9 (Handover & Exit Strategy).
The guide is designed to help disaster managers in national Governments gain basic knowledge of how to use international tools and services. It aims to support the growing disaster response and disaster response preparedness capabilities that exist at national level across Asia and the Pacific.
The guide is for national disaster management organizations (NDMOs) and line ministries involved in disaster response and disaster response preparedness. It is also a reference document for representatives of intergovernmental organizations, civilsociety actors and disaster-affected people.
The guide concentrates on key tools and services that can be helpful to disaster managers during the response and response preparedness phases of the disaster programme cycle.
Learning from the Pakistan Experience. A Manual for Post-Disaster Housing Program Managers
The aim of this publication is to provide practical guidance for public information officers on the preparation for and response to a nuclear or radiological emergency, and to fulfil in part functions assigned to the IAEA in the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a... Nuclear
Accident or Radiological Emergency (Assistance Convention), as well as meeting requirements stated in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SF-1, Fundamental Safety Principles, and in IAEA Safety Standards No. GS-R-2, Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency.
Also available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish: https://www-pub.iaea.org/books/IAEABooks/8889/Communication-with-the-Public-in-a-Nuclear-or-Radiological-Emergency
The training is targeted at all professionals involved in the management of drinking-water safety. The handbook is divided into three parts:
• Part 1 – Overview of the training approach, training structure and mode of training assessment
• Part 2 – Module learning material, which i...ncludes module objectives, delivery information, key points and exercises
• Part 3 – How the material can be adapted to different utility contexts
This report explores the reasons why global health is critical to medicine and what this means for medical education. It argues that an understanding of global health is important for all students and practicing doctors, rather than being an ‘add-on’ or ‘option’ for specialization.
Anxiety disorders
Chapter F.2
Developmental disorders
Chapter C.3
Global UNIDO Project: Strengthening the local production of essential medicines in least developed and developing countries
The guidance aspires
• To emphasize the 'need' to mainstream disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the health sector initiatives.
• To identify key approaches for mainstreaming DRR in the health sector in Myanmar, particularly in rural areas, based on the good practices, innovative approach...es and lessons learned of Government, UN agencies, NGOs and others involved in the Cyclone Nargis recovery.
• Identify key ‘vulnerabilities and opportunities’ for creating a ‘safer health system’ in Myanmar.
No publication year indicated.