A consolidated set of reproductive health kits for use by humanitarian agencies. These kits are intended to speed up the provision of appropriate reproductive health services in emergency and refugee situations.
The Compendium brings together for the first time key consensus-based policy recommendations and guidance to improve the delivery of proven interventions to women and children. The user-friendly format incorporates icons and tabs to present key health-related policies that support the delivery of es...sential RMNCH interventions. It also includes multisectoral policies on the economic, social, technological and environmental factors that influence health outcomes and service delivery. The Policy Compendium is a companion document to the Essential Interventions, Commodities and Guidelines for RMNCH.
Curricula and Educational Materials to
Help Young People Achieve Better Sexual
and Reproductive Health
This is only the cover of the book. Download the whole Toolkit at: www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/Refugee/
Understanding the reproductive health needs of conflict-affected women will enable organizations to implement and enhance programs and services to improve the health of women and their fam...ilies. The Reproductive Health Assessment Toolkit (RHA) for Conflict-Affected Women provides user-friendly tools to quantitatively assess the reproductive health needs of conflict-affected women aged 15–49 years. The RHA Toolkit enables field staff to collect data to inform program planning, monitoring, evaluation, and advocacy. It promotes using the collected data to enhance services and improve the reproductive health of women and their families.
This guide supports the low-dose, high-frequency practice of scenerios needed to maintain competency in prevention and management of postpartum hemorrhage. The document is learner centered and is directly linked to service delivery standards. It is part of the Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding After ...Birth training package.
An Easy-Reference Guidebook for Healthcare Providers In Developed and Developing Countries
2nd edition - Published in 2003, the first WHO/HAI medicine prices manual Medicine Prices – A
New Approach to Measurement Draft for field-testing provides a draft methodology and tools to conduct national medicine prices and availability surveys. This second edition of the survey manual has been... updated to reflect the wealth of practical
experience in conducting medicine prices and availability surveys garnered in the project’s first two phases.
Esta guía trata de la primera ayuda psicológica, un modo práctico y humano para ayudar y apoyar a nuestros semejantes en graves situaciones de crisis. Se ha pensado para personas que se tienen la posibilidad de ayudar a
otras que han experimentado un hecho extremadamente angustiante. Proporciona... un marco de
trabajo para apoyar a las personas respetando su dignidad, cultura y capacidades. A pesar de su
nombre, la primera ayuda psicológica se ocupa tanto del apoyo social como del psicológico.
Fistula Care's implementing partner in Ethiopia, IntraHealth, has developed materials to train health workers on obstetric fistula prevention, identification, and pre-repair care. The course contains a participant handbook (PDF, 604 KB), a facilitator manual (PDF, 1.3 MB), ten modules, a variety of ...visual aids, and supplementary handouts
Fistula Care's implementing partner in Ethiopia, IntraHealth, has developed materials to train health workers on obstetric fistula prevention, identification, and pre-repair care. The course contains a participant handbook (PDF, 604 KB), a facilitator manual (PDF, 1.3 MB), ten modules, a variety of ...visual aids, and supplementary handouts
Cet ouvrage est l’adaptation en langue française d’un des livres les plus demandés de l’OMS: Surgical Care at the District Hospital. Il y a longtemps qu’il était attendu notamment par l’Afrique francophone. En effet l’ambition de ce livre est de contribuer à corriger l’insuffisance... des soins d’urgence et de chirurgie de base fréquemment constatée dans les pays les plus démunis
This report sets out ways to make pre-hospital care and ambulance services operating in areas of armed violence safer. Written by the Norwegian Red Cross with support from the ICRC and the Mexican Red Cross, the report summarizes field experience in over 20 countries.
This review of the IFRC support to the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society response to the 2012 cholera outbreak provides ideas and concepts to promote a more coherent and evidence based rationale on how to make more effective use of IFRC global assets to stop, control, mitigate and respond to cholera ep...idemics. No fit and healthy person should die from cholera – that should be the indicator of success.
On trouvera résumée ici la position actuelle du
Département Santé mentale et toxicomanies
concernant l’aide à apporter aux populations exposées
à des facteurs de stress extrême, par exemple réfugiés,
personnes déplacées dans leur propre pays, survivants
d’une catastrophe ou popu...lations exposées à des actes
de guerre ou à un génocide.