of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or... a stateless person (recast)
- Part A is an introductory part which will give you background information about CBDRR in Myanmar. It has a small section about the importance of CBDRR in Myanmar, the stakeholders of CBDRR in Myanmar, as well as an overview about the challenges that are faced when implementing CBDRR... in Myanmar.
- Part B contains the instructions on how to conduct the 9-step process agreed upon and described in detail in the step-by-step methodology document. These nine (9) steps are considered the minimum required activities to be followed by all MRCS community based initiatives regardless of their budget or time frame.
- Part C includes all the implementation steps of CBDRR programs namely step 6 (Action Plan Development), and step 7 (Implementation of Action Plan).
- Part D includes all the steps that finalize a CBDRR program namely step 4 and step 8 (Baseline and Endline Study) as well as step 9 (Handover & Exit Strategy).
This module should always be used together with the
mhGAP Intervention Guide for Mental, Neurological
and Substance Use Disorders in Non-specialized Health
Settings (WHO, 2010), which outlines relevant general
principles of care and management of a range of other
mental, neurological and substa...nce use disorders.
In the future, this module may be integrated with other
products in the following ways:
– This module may be integrated – in its full form –
into future iterations of the existing mhGAP Intervention
– The module will be integrated –in a simplified structure –
into a new product, the WHO-UNHCR mhGAP Intervention
Guide for Humanitarian Settings (planned for 2014).
This guide provides an overview of important points to consider in the assessment and treatment of PTSD and ASD in children and adolescents. The practitioner checklist later in this document can help
to guide assessment and treatment planning.
The Access to Controlled Medications Programme identified the development of treatment guidelines that cover the treatment of all types of pain as one of the core areas of focus for improving access to opioid analgesics. Such guidelines are interesting both for health-care professionals and policy-...makers. They are also important in improving access to controlled medicines for determining when those opioid medicines and when non-opioid medicines are preferred.
Based on a Delphi study, WHO planned the development of three treatment guidelines, covering chronic pain in children, chronic pain in adults and acute pain.
La présente étude a permis, non seulement de mieux connaître les différents acteurs
de la ville de Cotonou sur la thématique du handicap, mais également de mettre en lumière
les actions qu’ils mènent. La problématique du handicap est mal connue dans la ville de
Cotonou : pas de statist...iques fiables (le dernier recensement national fait état de 2,55% de
personnes handicapées au sein la population nationale). Cependant, plus de 180
associations de personnes handicapées sont recensées sur le territoire national. Et bien que
le bénin soit signataire de nombreuses conventions et accords internationaux sur la
protection et la promotion des droits des personnes handicapées, il n’existe pas de
législation nationale spécifique, relative aux personnes handicapées. Il y a (trop !) peu de
campagnes officielles de sensibilisation sur les causes et la prévention du handicap, et les
commémorations conventionnelles passent souvent inaperçues. L’étude a permis de jeter
un regard sur les relations qu’ entretiennent les acteurs publics et associatifs entre eux.
La présente étude a permis, non seulement de mieux connaître les différents acteurs
de la ville de Cotonou sur la thématique du handicap, mais également de mettre en lumière
les actions qu’ils mènent. La problématique du handicap est mal connue dans la ville de
Cotonou : pas de statist...iques fiables (le dernier recensement national fait état de 2,55% de
personnes handicapées au sein la population nationale). Cependant, plus de 180
associations de personnes handicapées sont recensées sur le territoire national. Et bien que
le bénin soit signataire de nombreuses conventions et accords internationaux sur la
protection et la promotion des droits des personnes handicapées, il n’existe pas de
législation nationale spécifique, relative aux personnes handicapées. Il y a (trop !) peu de
campagnes officielles de sensibilisation sur les causes et la prévention du handicap, et les
commémorations conventionnelles passent souvent inaperçues. L’étude a permis de jeter
un regard sur les relations qu’ entretiennent les acteurs publics et associatifs entre eux.
This is the first guidance note in a four-part series of notes produced by InterAction to support management,
program and M&E staff in international NGOs to plan, design, manage, conduct and use impact evaluations. This first guidance note, Introduction to Impact Evaluation, provides an overview of... impact evaluation, explaining how impact evaluation differs from – and complements – other types of evaluation, why impact evaluation should be
done, when and by whom. It describes different methods, approaches and designs that can be used for the different aspects of impact evaluation. The guidance note is also available in French, Arabic and Spanish on
The purpose of this document is to provide agencies with a guide with three tools containing key assessment questions that are of common relevance to all actors involved in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) independent of the phase of the emergency. This guide will be useful for rapid a...ssessments of MHPSS issues in humanitarian emergencies across sectors. The guide is designed for use by various humanitarian actors (governmental and non-governmental; local, national and global). It is based on the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (IASC, 2007).
Guidelines for good practice. 3rd edition
The Guidelines for Good Practice are intended to help organizations define their own needs in relation to stress management and develop their own staff care system. The process will be different for each organization. National and international agencies, bi...g and small organizations, will have to find the process and policies that work for them.
The Vision 2020 is a reflection of our aspiration and determination as Rwandans, to construct a united, democratic and inclusive Rwandan identity, after so many years of authoritarian and exclusivist dispensation. We aim, through this Vision, to transform our country into middle - income nation in w...hich Rwandans are healthier, educated and generally more prosperous. The Rwanda we seek is one that is united and competitive both regionally and globally. To achieve this, the Vision 2020 identifies six interwoven pillars, including good governance and an efficient State, skilled human capital, vibrant private sector, world class physical infrastructure and modern agriculture and livestock, all geared towards prospering in national, regional and global markets.
The threat climate change poses to health, equity, and development has been rigorously documented. However, in an era marked by economic crisis, regional conflicts, natural disasters and growing disparities between rich and poor, the joint global actions required to address climate change have been ...vigorously debated – and critical decisions postponed.
This document, part of WHO’s Health in the Green Economy series, describes how many climate change measures can be “win-wins” for people and the planet.
These policies yield large, immediate public health benefits while reducing the upward trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions. Many of these policies can improve the health and equity of people in poor countries and assist developing countries in adapting to climate change that is already occurring, as evidenced by more extreme storms, flooding, drought and heatwaves.
WHO’s Department of Public Health and Environment launched the Health in the Green Economy initiative in 2010 to review potential health and equity “co-benefits” of proposed climate change measures – as well as relevant risks.
This review examines mitigation strategies discussed in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which constitutes the most broad-based global review of mitigation options by scientific experts.
This document is written for local and international staff running nutrition programmes in emergencies, and for local, regional and national authorities and donors involved in such programmes.
The note explains why nutrition programmes need to include early childhood development (ECD) activities t...o maximize the child’s development.
It provides practical suggestions as to what simple steps are necessary to create integrated programmes in situations of famine or food insecurity and it gives examples of how such integrated programmes have been established in other situations.
This document is also available in Arabic:
;and in French:
Las presentes Directrices para el Abordaje del VIH en Contextos de Asistencia Humanitaria tienen el propósito de ayudar a las organizaciones de asistencia humanitaria y VIH a planificar la administración de un conjunto mínimo de servicios de prevención, tratamiento, atención y apoyo para el VIH... a las personas afectadas por crisis humanitarias.
The Sphere Handbook "Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response" is now available in Haitian Creole.
This translation has been coordinated by Oxfam Canada and funded by the following members of the Policy Action Group on Emergency Response (PAGER Canada): World Vision Canada,... Plan Canada, Oxfam Quebec, Development and Peace, CARE Canada, Canadian Red Cross, Save the Children Canada, Christian Children's Fund of Canada, Mennonite Central Committee of Canada and Adventist Development and Relief Agency of Canada.
"Achieving, maintaining and improving accuracy, timeliness and reliability are major challenges for health laboratories. Countries worldwide committed themselves to build national capacities for the detection of, and response to, public health events of international concern when they decided to eng...age in the International Health Regulations implementation process. Only sound management of quality in health laboratories will enable countries to produce test results that the international community will trust in cases of international emergency. This handbook is intended to provide a comprehensive reference on Laboratory Quality Management System for all stakeholders in health laboratory processes, from management, to administration, to bench-work laboratorians. This handbook covers topics that are essential for quality management of a public health or clinical laboratory. They are based on both ISO 15189 and CLSI GP26-A3 documents"--Page 7.
The World Health Organization Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems (WHO-AIMS) was used to collect information on the mental health system in Ghana for the year 2011. The goal of collecting this information is to improve the mental health system and to provide a baseline for monitoring the... change. This will enable Ghana to develop information based mental health plans with clear base-line information and targets. It will also be useful to monitor progress in implementing reform policies, providing community services, and involving users, families and other stakeholders in mental health promotion, prevention and rehabilitation.
This document addresses preparedness as an important investment against natural and man-made disasters. Through good practices, it urges the humanitarian community, governments and regional bodies to use preparedness thinking to be aware of risks, to reduce them and to plan ahead to combat them in o...rder to respond more effectively and reduce the threat of hunger, disease, poverty and conflicts. It uses examples from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bolivia, Colombia, Cook Islands, Ghana, Haiti, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Panama, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Zambia and Zimbabwe
This EISF Briefing Paper seeks to outline the requirements of crisis management structures, providing a general guideline of crisis management planning, Crisis Management Teams (CMTs) and post-crisis follow-up. It is followed by the May 2010 EISF Briefing Paper, Abduction Management, that will focu...s on the management of abductions and kidnappings, a particular form of crisis requiring an especially tailoured response. The two papers seek to act as tools by which agencies can review and strengthen their crisis management mechanisms, so ensuring effective responses to critical incidents.
-By the Government of Nepal, Ministry of population and Health, Health service department, National health training centre.
Location: Teku, Kathmandu.
Created in year 2010 (english) (2067 Nepalese)