Economic and social unrest in Venezuela have led the health system to the brink of collapse. Infectious diseases are surging as a result.
The Lancet Infectious Diseases Volume 19, ISSUE 1, P28, January 01, 2019
Guidelines for adults on how to communicate with adolescents about mental health problems and other sensitive topics
Accessed: 31.03.2019
Stenotrophomonas maltophiliais a nonfermenting Gram-negative rod that is ubiquitous in nature (predominantly occurring in aquatic environments and on plants). Biochemically, it iscatalase positive and oxidase negative, and it produces acid frommaltose (hence the name“maltophilia”). Due to it...s chargedcell wall surface and biofilm production, it may attach to and survive on abiotic surfaces in clinical settings (eg, central venouscatheters, disinfectant and hand-washing solutions, solutions for hemodialysis, endoscopes, inspiration/expiration circuits of ventilators, nebulizers, tap water, and showerheads).
Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology Volume 6: 1-9ªThe Author(s) 2019
Le présent document de travail a été conçu pour offrir des conseils pratiqueset des suggestions sur la manièred’établir et de maintenir la collaboration multisectorielle nécessaire pour élaborer et mettre en œuvre les plans d’action nationaux (PAN) de lutte contre la RAM. Il s’adresse... à tous ceux qui ont pourresponsabilité de combattre la RAM au niveau national. S’appuyant à la fois sur la littérature publiée et sur l’expérience pratique de quatre «pays focaux» (Éthiopie, Kenya, Philippines et Thaïlande), ce documentrésume les enseignements tirés et les derniers points de vuesur la collaboration multisectorielle en vue d’une action efficace contre la RAM.
This document updates the 2014 Core Elements for Hospital Antibiotic Stewardship Programs and incorporates new evidence and lessons learned from experience with the Core Elements. The Core Elements are applicable in all hospitals, regardless of size. There are suggestions specific to small and access hospitals in Implementation of Antibiotic Stewardship Core Elements at Small and Critical Access Hospitals (12).There is no single template for a program to optimize antibiotic prescribing in hospitals. Implementation of antibiotic stewardship programs requires flexibility due to the complexity of medical decision-making surrounding antibiotic use and the variability in the size and types of care among U.S. hospitals. In some sections, CDC has identified priorities for implementation, based on the experiences of successful stewardship programs and published data. The Core Elements are intended to be an adaptable framework that hospitals can use to guide efforts to improve antibiotic prescribing. The assessment tool that accompanies this document can help hospitals identify gaps to address.
Una Guída Esencial de Buenas Pràcticas
Séptima Edición 2019
The Kenya Strategic AIDS Framework IV prioritises key populations for interventions
L’alcool peut être un produit d’agrément, il peut aussi être un produit engendrant l’ivresse et la dépendance, avec des conséquences négatives pour la santé et l’entourage.
Accessed: 14.03.2019
Lancet Planet Health 2019; 3: e93–101
ATLAS on substance use (2010) — Resources for the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders
Accessed: 14.03.2019
ATLAS on substance use (2010)— Resources for the prevention and treatment of substance use disorder
Accessed: 14.03.2019