One way to help clients become more Aware of self-stigma is using the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness (ISMI) to start discussion.
It is a 29-item measure with five subscales: alienation, stereotype endorsement, perceived discrimination, social withdrawal, and stigma resistance. The person is ...asked how much s/he agrees or disagrees with each statement, on a 1-4 scale. A full copy of the ISMI is on the back of this handout. In addition to its use in research, the ISMI is an excellent way to start discussions about self-stigma -- to increase awareness and understanding about how stigma can come up in one’s thinking and one’s life.
It can also highlight areas of strength and resilience.
WHO Package of Essential NCD Interventions (PEN)
Accessed March 18,2019
В данной главе мы рассмотрим изменения, реализованные в DSM5, касающиеся не всех психических расстройств. Ниже мы остановимся на модификациях, представляющих инт...ерес для детских и подростковых психиатров, и на тех, которые вызывают полемику
Vinay P. Saldanha( UNAIDS Regional Director- Eastern Europe & Central Asia)
Session 1 Wednesday 30/01/2019
30-31 January 2019, Bucharest
Accessed: 29.09.2019
China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, Volume 6, No. 3 (2008) p. 101-128 © Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program
ISSN: 1653-4212
HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative Care 2016:8 183–193
This quality standard covers prevention of falls and assessment after a fall in older people (aged 65 and over) who are living in the community or staying in hospital. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
Training for Health Care Providers
Facilitators’ Manual
Under the theme “Stronger Together”, the campaign aims to offer information and strategies to assist communities in the region in better coping with the psychological impact of adverse events before, during and after a disaster situation. It also aims to raise awareness to reduce the stigma abou...t seeking mental health and psychosocial support.
You can download a wide range of communication material: videos, posters, radio jingles, guidebooks.
The Caribbean is highly prone to natural hazards, including seismic activity, hurricanes, landslides and floods. These events have resulted in lost lives, serious injuries and severe damage to housing and infrastructure. A single hurricane event can affect more than one island, and completely erase the gains of many years of productivity. As a result, these unpredictable hazards create disruption and have an ongoing impact on people’s lives - affecting their mental health and psychosocial well-being.
Although everyone is affected in some way by disaster events, there are a wide range of reactions and feelings that a person can experience. People may feel overwhelmed, confused or very uncertain about what is happening. They can also feel very fearful, anxious, numb or detached. People who feel safe, connected, calm and hopeful, have access to social, physical and emotional support and find ways to help themselves after a disaster, however, will be better able to recover long-term from mental health effects
July 2014
This report was made possible through support provided by the One Million Community Health Workers Campaign, mPowering Frontline Health Workers, Intel, and USAID. This report was authored by Cindil Redick for mPowering Frontline Health Workers under the terms of Contract No. GHS-A-00-08...-00002-00. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID.
Un cuento para explicarles a los más chicos lo que está pasando.
Escrito por Lic. Guadalupe del Canto,
Psicológa perinatal y especialista en desafíos reproductivos.
In the current absence of vaccine for COVID-19, public health response target breaking the chain of infection by focusing on the mode of transmission. This paper summarizes current evidence-base around the transmission dynamics, pathogenic, and clinical features of COVID-19, to critically identify i...f there are any gaps in the current IPC guidelines.
An international collaborative working on religion within health and community systems
Seeking to strengthen evidence on the functioning of religiously-inspired health institutions and communities within their contextualized health systems, especially in development settings
Our work includes:
Facilitating interdisciplinary research on the intersection between religion, public health and development
A focus on health systems and policy
Building capacity in research-practitioners, especially in development contexts
Multi-sectoral networking
Development and dissemination of research materials and tools
Research and evaluation of key projects and initiatives