The target audience for this guideline is primarily for health care providers nurses, doctors, social workers and other people involved in HIV response in Rwanda so that they are capable of offering quality care services to patients over a long time. The new National Guidelines for Prevention and Ma...nagement of HIV and STIs are articulated in accordance to treat all HIV+ patients regardless of CD4 count and a new service delivery model to support its implementation.
Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly Environments Specialized Booklet 3
Consultancy to conduct desk review on impact of national policies and programs on disability rights and develop an action plan to make existing policies and programs and legislation disability friendly
For Mental Health Service Delivery under National Mental Health Programme
Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2017 Jun; 19(2): 93–107.
Chapter J.2
Psychatry & Pediatrics
Chapter I.3
Chapter 2 in "Latest Findings in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research" Edited by Üner Tan, ISBN 978-953-307-865-6, 404 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published February 15, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license | Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities presents reports on a wide rang...e of areas in the field of neurological and intellectual disability, including habitual human quadrupedal locomotion with associated cognitive disabilities, Fragile X syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, and intellectual developmental disability among children in an African setting. Studies are presented from researchers around the world, looking at aspects as wide-ranging as the genetics behind the conditions to new and innovative therapeutic approaches. (All chapters available online:
Training of Health-care Providers and Training manual Supporting material