The full range and scale of all forms of violence against children are only now becoming visible, as is the evidence of the harm it does. This book documents the outcomes and recommendations of the process of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children. ‘The Study... is the first comprehensive, global study on all forms of violence against children.
It builds on the model of the study on the impact of armed conflict on children, prepared by Graça Machel and presented to the General Assembly in 1996, and follows the World Health Organization’s 2002 World Report on Violence and Health.1
The International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and
Allied Professions (IACAPAP) aims to promote the mental health and
development of children and adolescents worldwide. It seeks to achieve
this by contributing to the training and professional development of the
child and adole...scent mental health professionals by disseminating up-todate
and high-quality information through its publications, organization
of biennial international congresses, and study groups. IACAPAP has a
long tradition of publishing monographs released to coincide with the
congresses, with the first one published in 1970.
Background: Several studies have demonstrated that South African children and adolescents are
exposed to high levels of violent trauma with a significant proportion developing PTSD, however,
limited resources make it difficult to accurately identify traumatized children.
Conclusions: Our result...s indicate that trauma exposure and PTSD are prevalent in South African
youth and if appropriate cut-offs are used, self-report scales may be useful screening tools for
Annals of General Psychiatry 2005, 4:2doi:10.1186/1744-859X-4-2
Bull World Health Organ 2013;91:773–783 | doi:
(Submitted: 15 February 2013 – Revised version received: 21 June 2013 – Accepted: 22 June 2013 – Published online: 20 August 2013)
November 3, 2009
PLoS Med 6(11): e1000176.
Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2011;69(2-B):342-348
A key purpose of the Recovery Toolkit is to support countries in the reactivation of health services which may have suffered as a result of the emergency. These services include ongoing programmes such as immunization and vaccinations, maternal and child health services, and noncommunicable diseases....
Medical Journal of Zambia, Volume 36 Number 4 (2009)
Zhou et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2019) 13:10
Second Edition
Monitoring and Evaluation