The intention of this document is to clarify and outline the steps to effective cholera surveillance. It discusses when,
where and why surveillance for cholera is needed and how to establish a useful and cost-effective surveillance
system for cholera. To make comments, corrections and additions,... please contact the authors at stopchol@jhsph.
edu or
Check also: DOVE Project
Draft May 2011
The first ever nursing and midwifery services policy document in the history of MoPH was developed with the following aims:
1. Create a positive environment for Nursing and Midwifery Policy and Practice
2. Promote education, training and career development for nurses an...d midwives.
3. Contribute to the strengthening of health systems and services
4. Monitor the development of nursing and midwifery professions and ensure their quality
5. Streamline Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Management
6. Develop Partnerships for Nursing and Midwifery Services
Assessment in action series
Key Findings from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Ukraine
Writing by Katya Burns
Editing by Paul Silva and Roxanne Saucier
Transforming Health: Accelerating attainment of Health Goals | THE SECOND MEDIUM TERM PLAN FOR HEALTH
La présente étude avait pour objectif principal de documenter la culture de l’utilisation des MI. Plus particulièrement, elle a documenté la valeur accordée aux différents moyens préventifs, en particulier la MI, les perceptions de l’utilité, du coût d’opportunité de leur utilisation... ; les modalités et logiques de leur attribution au sein des ménages. Elle s’est aussi intéressée aux obstacles à l’utilisation régulière des MI de même que les facteurs favorisants ; les habitudes des familles relatives à leur entretien, réparation et les modalités de leur usage en rapport avec les habitudes de couchage.
Updated to Reflect the 2009 Medical Eligibility Criteria of the World Health Organization
Original Research
Rev Panam Salud Publica 43, 2019 | |
Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition National Guidelines
Republic of Albania