Special issue: WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health -Vol. 5, Issue 1, April 2016.This special This issue contains a rich collection of articles, demonstrating the encouraging scientific momentum to address the growing burden of diabetes in the region
Lancet Psychiatry 2016;3: 415–24
PlosOne https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0165797; Food production is a major driver of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water and land use, and dietary risk factors are contributors to non-communicable diseases. Shifts in dietary patterns can therefore potentially provide benefits for both the en...vironment and health. However, there is uncertainty about the magnitude of these impacts, and the dietary changes necessary to achieve them.
The Rwandan Ministry of Health recognizes the threat that Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) pose to health and development in Rwanda and in 2009 articulates strategies to respond to them in the Health Sector Strategic Plan 2012 - 2018 (HSSP3). Among other things, the plan calls for a national prevale...nce survey on NCD risk factors. This report responds to that call and summarizes the findings of the first NCD risk factor survey in Rwanda conducted from November 2012 to March 2013.
Desde Atencion primaria de salud
Interim emergency guidelines
Les maladies chroniques non transmissibles (MCNT) constituent un problème de santé publique. La transition épidémiologique coexiste avec les maladies infectieuses. En Afrique subsaharienne, leur ampleur est peu connue et l'OMS recommande aux pays à faible et moyen revenu de réaliser des enquê...tes STEPS portant sur les comportements, des mesures physiques et biochimiques. L'absence de données au niveau national justifie cette étude auprès d'un groupe spécifique. L'objectif de l'étude était de déterminer la prévalence des MCNT et de leurs facteurs de risque chez les militaires Sénégalais.
Aktuelle Themen und perspektiven für eine gesundheitsfördernde stadtentwicklungWeltweit nimmt die Urbanisierung zu: Inzwischen lebt mehr als die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung in Städten, in Europa sind es deutlich mehr als 70% der Bevölkerung (WHO, 2010a). Aufgrund die...ser Entwicklung hat sich »Urban Health« als neues Forschungsfeld etabliert, in dem der Einfluss der städtischen Umwelt auf die Gesundheit unter-sucht wird (Vlahov & Galea, 2003; Galea & Vlahov, 2005a; Heaton et al., 2010; Braür & Hystad, 2014).
Mid-term review of The National AIDS Programme 2011-15
October 2013
We will soon be piloting a project titled “Integrating Spirituality into Patient Care” that will form “spiritual care teams” to assess and address patients’ spiritual needs in physician outpatient practices within Adventist Health System, the largest Protestant healthcare system ... in the United States.This paper describes the goals, the rationale, and the structure of the spiritual care teams that will soon be implemented, and discusses the barriers to providing spiritual care that health professionals are likely to encounter.Spiritual care teams may operate in an outpatient or an inpatient setting, and their purpose is to provide health professionals with resources necessary to practice whole person healthcare that includes spiritual care.We believe that this project will serve as a model forfaith-based health systems seeking to visibly demonstrate their mission in a way that makes them unique and expresses their values.Not only does this model have the potential to be cost-effective, but also the capacity to increase the quality of patient care and the satisfaction that health professionals derive from providing care.If successful, this model could spread beyond faith-based systems to secular systems as well both in the U.S. and worldwide.