This first edition of our national neonatal care clinical guidelines is an initiative that aims to ensure that all the neonates in the Kingdom of Eswatini are offered standard, best quality of care and the best possible start in life. The guidelines have been formulated from various global sources a...nd tailored to the needs and health practises of the country. They are designed to serve as a guide to all healthcare providers in the country to provide standardized quality neonatal care.
Examining nursing practice guidelines to improve quality of care for patients with sepsis in low income countries is required. • A large amount of information about best practice standards in sepsis management is available for healthcare professionals; however, implementation and adherence to prac...tice guidelines recommended by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign remains low in low income countries.
Midwifery Capacity Building Strategy for Northern Syria
Available in Arabic
Midwifery Capacity Building Strategy for Northern Syria
This Cardiac Rehabilitation Change Package was completed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in collaboration with the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) with the purpose of helping cardiac rehabilitation programs, hospital quality improv...ement teams, and public health professionals who partner with these groups to implement systems and strategies that improve care for patients who are eligible for cardiac rehabilitation. AACVPR is a multidisciplinary professional association comprised of health professionals who serve in the field of cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation.
This clinical job aid addresses the importance of maternal health and antiretroviral therapy adherence, as well as care and testing for the HIV-exposed infant until the infant’s final HIV diagnosis after the end of breastfeeding.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops(USCCB) have identified sevencore themes in Catholic Social Teaching (CST). The CST Bible Study is an eight week program exploring those themes. The first week is an introductionto CST and weekstwo through eight are sessionson each of theseven themes. This stu...dy may be adapted to meet the needs of a given group. For example, the group can meet weekly for eightweeks or monthly for eight months (ideal for a school year). Each session is approximately one hour long.
The call to justice and peace has always been an essential part of the life of the Christian. Our sacred texts offer a constant reminder of the centrality of this call. In the Old Testament the prophet Micah tells us: “this is what Yahweh asks of you: only this, to act justly, to love tenderly, a...nd to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).
a) the background to the development of the Church social teaching on migration
b) some of the additional resources that lie within the wider social tradition that might help us think theologically about migration in the current context
c) brief concluding note on Islam, migration and dialogue.
Case management is an approach at the core of social work. Case management is the process required for improving the quality of life for vulnerable children in need of care and protection. This manual is intended to support social workers in their case management role and reduce overall workload by ...ensuring case management processes are conducted efficiently with best outcomes for children.
This report contains the results of an in-depth Training Needs Assessment (TNA) of Health Workers in the 4 project counties of the republic of Kenya – Nakuru, Kisumu, Nairobi and Bungoma. The assessment, facilitated by the UPOPs Project in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Minist...ry of Environment and Natural Resources, took place in the month of September 2017. This assessment focused on health workers at County and County referral health facilities.
Injection Safety and Safe Disposal of Medical Waste National Communication Strategy and Health Care Waste Management Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs).
The overall objective of the consultancy was to review and align the three national technical and communication guiding documents on HCWM to th...e WHO Blue Book and other global standards and recommendations. The specific objectives of the assignment were ; to establish how well aligned the Kenya Healthcare Waste Management Guidelines, 2011, are to the WHO Blue Book on healthcare waste management, global recommendations and other global conventions on environmental protection; to establish the extent to which the Kenya Injection Safety and Safe Disposal of Medical Waste National Communication Strategy is aligned to the National Health Communication Guidelines, 2013; to determine the extent to which the current Standard Operating Procedures are aligned to the best available technologies (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP) and international practices; and to assess current health care waste management practices at the health facilities supported by the GEF project.
This chapter addresses the biogeochemical cycles of carbon dioxide. (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O)
Massoda Tonye et al. Malar J (2018) 17:156
Background: In 2011, the demographic and health survey (DHS) in Cameroon was combined with the multiple indicator
cluster survey. Malaria parasitological data were collected, but the survey period did not overl...ap with the high
malaria transmission season. A malaria indicator survey (MIS) was also conducted during the same year, within the
malaria peak transmission season. This study compares estimates of the geographical distribution of malaria parasite
risk and of the effects of interventions obtained from the DHS and MIS survey data.
Capítulo A.9
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle & José Montejo
Capítulo J.8
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle & Gonzalo Ros
Cancer is an emerging public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa due to population growth, ageing and westernisation of lifestyles. In this piece, we use data from Mozambique over a 50-year period to illustrate cancer epidemiological trends in low-income and middle-income countries to hypothesise ...potential circumstances and factors that could explain changes in cancer burden and to discuss surveillance weaknesses and potential improvements. This epidemiological transition deserves increasing policy attention.
Le présent rapport présente les objectifs, la méthodologie utilisée, les résultats obtenus et les
principales recommandations / résolutions de cette retraite.