Hinweise für die Arbeit mit von häuslicher Gewalt betroffenen Migrantinnen
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Interferon-γ Assays - Description and Assessment of a New Tool in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis.
Haür B et al. Interferon-γ-Tests in der ...Pneumologie 2006; 60: 29-44
Задачей данных рекомендаций является помочь врачам общей практики правильно диагностировать эти распространенные типы головных болей, грамотно распознавать при...знаки серьезных заболеваний, проявляющихся головной болью, и, при необходимости, направлять пациентов за специализированной помощью. Целью настоящих рекомендаций является предоставление четких и легко выполнимых алгоритмов врачам, не являющимся экспертами в области головных болей.
Epidemiologisches Bulletin; 14. März 2016 Nr. 10/11 ;DOI 10.17886/EpiBull-2016-014
Deutsche Version von Psychological First Aid Training Manual for Child Practitioners (PFA)
Q3: Are pharmacotherapies safe and effective for the treatment of psychostimulant dependence (maintenance or relapse prevention) in non-specialized settings?
The report focuses on several key areas where health outcomes are falling short, and provides insight into ways in which countries can improve the situation for their children and adolescents. Areas in focus include mental health, overweight/obesity and adolescent risk-taking behaviour.
The report ...shows, for example, that:
- mental health remains a neglected subject – only one quarter of countries are collecting data on the number of children treated by a mental health professional;
- half of countries do not regulate the marketing of food to children, despite the fact that childhood obesity rates are high across the Region and physical activity rates are low;
- almost half of countries have no policy that affects the availability of unhealthy foods at school;
- 2 in 5 girls and 1 in 3 boys who are having sex do not protect themselves; and
one third of countries do not offer legal access to contraception without parental consent for those under 18 years of age.
Observatory report by Médecins du Monde/Doctors of the World Germany:“Deprived of the right to health. Sick and without medical care in Germany” gives a rare insight into the situation of those who have no or only limited access to the German health system.