The 2012 NDRMP lays out the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) architecture of the country and provides guidance for DRM intervention at all levels. However, implementation has been slow and resource challenges exist throughout the government.
The PNG government’s policy and institutional framework... for DRM still faces numerous obstacles. The main challenges in moving towards a more proactive and systematic approach to manage risks and build resilience include 1.) the limited coordination between DRM and Climate Change Adaptation agencies; 2.) the slow migration from emphasis on response to risk reduction and management; 3.) the limited institutional capacity for planning and design of risk informed investments; and 4.) the lack of available historic natural hazard data, which hinders the assessment of risks.
A Manual for Delivery of PASS by a Non-Specialist Facilitator
Inclusive Project Cycle Management
Inclusive Project Cycle Management - The Participants’ Folder contains the course outline, some handouts, a list of online references and a glossary of gender terms. Additional handouts will be provided to add to the folder, during the course.
Advanced Inclusive Project Cycle Management
The Indonesian government has reformed its laws, policies, and institutions to better manage disaster risk since the significant 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. The Government of Indonesia now has contingency plans for every disaster-prone city which identifies its vulnerabilities, outlines the relief re...sponse, and builds overall preparedness. In 2007, the government introduced a disaster management bill that incorporated disaster management prevention into disaster management response. In 2008, Indonesia created the National Disaster Management Agency (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, BNPB). The new shift led to the strengthening of the country’s disaster management agency, and the addition of district branches and representatives. Despite the progress made, more work is needed at the local level as well as integration of disaster risk reduction in government departments.11 Under Indonesia’s 2007 Disaster Management law, provincial and district administrations are mandated to head disaster management during a crisis.
Cambodia drafted and adopted the National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction 2014-2018 in 2014. This plan finalized the required policies and legal processes to strengthen DRM in Cambodia. It also focused on capacity building at national and sub-national levels and provided dedicated resources ...for strengthening the NCDM and the Sub-National Committees for Disaster Management. Cambodia’s legislature then passed the Law on Disaster Management in June 2015. This legal framework for disaster management assigns legally binding roles and responsibilities, establishes institutions, and assists with the allocation of resources and coordination. NCDM is Cambodia’s lead government agency for emergency preparedness and relief. The NCDM provides the overall leadership of the Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) coordination in Cambodia. Cambodia has adopted the Cambodia Red Cross (CRC) as the primary partner for relief operations.
The coastal regions of Bangladesh are hit by cyclones regularly. The country has evolved, in the face of repetitious calamities, a disaster preparedness programme. The major response to cyclones has been the building of cyclone shelters, which also double as community centers and schools. While thes...e cyclone shelters have proved to be useful, they are more in the nature of disaster management, that is, they are measures that come in useful particularly in the event of a cyclone. The approach of this study has been to look at existing houses and the process of building and maintaining these houses in the face of frequent cyclonic storms and storm surges, and gather information on shared knowledge and collective experiences of the people in all aspects of house building. The aim of this study is to find ways to make traditional structures more cyclone resistant and less prone to wind damage.
L’OMS a ciblé 17 maladies comme des Maladies Tropicales Négligées. Ces maladies sont très différentes les unes des autres, mais elles ont comme point commun de toucher principalement les populations les plus pauvres. Elles maintiennent dans la pauvreté les populations ayant initialement un n...iveau de développement faible. Ces maladies coexistent au sein des mêmes populations, augmentant de ce fait leur vulnérabilité.
Pour pouvoir atteindre les objectifs nationaux et internationaux en matière de santé publique, la mobilisation et la motivation du personnel de santé, en qualité et en quantité, deviennent un véritable enjeu stratégique dans les pays en voie de développement. Mais malgré cela, peu de pays o...nt conduit des évaluations exhaustives pour estimer le nombre existant de travailleurs de santé et les besoins en ressources humaines pour le futu
May 2018
HIV i-Base
ISSN 1475-2077
Watch for out-of-date information
First questions
You and your doctor Resistance and adherence Treatment choices
Policy briefs produced for FP2020 and other countries, presenting analysis of Family Planning Effort (FPE) scores from the current and previous rounds. Research and policy implications based on the analyses are also presented.
Objectives of the Study:
To understand the community needs, behaviors and perception for MNH Iin urban poor settings.
To explore various factors (both demand and supply side) affecting care seeking for MNH.
To assess the preparedness of the urban health system for providing MNH services at variou...s levels of care in terms of infrastructures at various levels of care, HR availability and capacity, logistics, drugs & equipment, referral, recording & reporting, supervision, governance and financial modalities.
A guide for Regional Workshop and Hospital Technicians