This report presents the key findings of the NFHS-5 in West Bengal, followed by detailed tables and an appendix on sampling errors. At the time of finalization of this report, wealth quintiles for the country as a whole were not ready. Therefore, on finalization of the national report, the breakup o...f key indicators by wealth quintiles for all states will be provided as an additional document and uploaded on the official website of MoHFW and IIPS.
Brazil ́s response is taking place in strict compliance with the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005.
Brazil created the Emergency Operations Center (COE) and immediately notified WHO when the first case in Brazilian territory
was confirmed on February 26.
World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations & World Organisation for Animal Health. (2021). Antimicrobial resistance and the United Nations sustainable development cooperation framework: guidance for United Nations country teams. World Health Organization
Almost half (46%) of the world’s 1.7 million children living with HIV were not on treatment in 2020 and 150 000 children were newly infected with HIV, four times more than the 2020 target of 40 000
Этот документ, содержащий ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы, дополняет временные рекомендации ВОЗ «Клиническое руководство по ведению пациентов с тяжелой остро... респираторной инфекцией при подозрении на инфицирование новым коронавирусом» и посвящен вопросам в связи с этими рекомендациями.
Во временных рекомендациях и настоящем документе отражены:
i. имеющиеся сведения в отношении риска заражения COVID19 через грудное молоко;
ii. сведения о благотворном воздействии грудного вскармливания и контакта «кожа к коже»;
iii. сведения о неблагоприятном воздействии детских молочных смесей в случае неправильного
COVID-19 and breastfeeding (frequently asked questions)
MEDBOX Issue Brief no. 6
This issue brief gives you an overview of the most important documents on humanitarian aid and the WASH sector in MEDBOX
People experiencing social disadvantage and marginalization are known to be disproportionately impacted by ill-health. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, persons with disabilities may have increased risk for exposure, complications, and death
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on how quarantine and isolation can be achieved if there is a suspected or confirmed case in an overcrowded setting. It will focus on informal settlements and collective shelters, but the guidance can be applied in non-refugee settings as well, suc...h as detention centres and crowded neighborhoods. This guidance aims to support a coordinated and efficient response. It supports detailed planning at the regional level and is meant to be adapted to the local context. Households residing outside of these shelter types will be expected to follow the self-isolation circular provided by the MoPH. It is preferable, whenever feasible, that people are supported to remain in their homes. This guidance note will be continuously adapted as needed from the National level.
Rwanda first confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in March 2020. Although the number of cases has been low, health system resources are being redirected to respond and an increasing number of children are affected by the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic, including disruptions... to schooling and heightened protection risks.
While Rwanda remained Ebola-free during the outbreak, it remains a priority country and continues to maintain its Ebola preparedness. Rwanda is also home to 147,000 refugees, half of whom are children, who require assistance in and outside of camps.1 In 2021, UNICEF will continue to deliver life-saving services to refugees and children and families affected by COVID-19 and its socio-economic impacts, and maintain its Ebola preparedness and contingency planning.
Original Research
Rev Panam Salud Publica 43, 2019 | |
Policy and practice for maturity-aligned engagement of children in decisions about HIV-related medical and social services and management of confidential information
Kipling Beardsley, Health Policy Plus
Accessed: 26.10.2019
The Department of Health (DOH) has developed a National Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Policy.1 This policy addresses the many cross-cutting issues relating to SRH service provision, drawing together the principles, rights, and guidance for planning and implementation underpin the provision of quality, comprehensive, and integrated SRHR services in South Africa. The National Integrated SRHR Policy is supported by several clinical and service delivery guidelines covering related programmatic
areas, including the National Contraception Clinical Guidelines.