…voices of persons with disabilities - Part 1
The main objectives of these guidelines are to:
1. contribute to the quality assurance of medicinal plant materials used as the source for herbal medicines to improve the quality, safety and efficacy of finished herbal products;
2. guide the formulation of national and/or regional GACP guideli...nes and GACP monographs for medicinal plants and related standard operating procedures; and
3. encourage and support the sustainable cultivation and collection of medicinal plants of good quality in ways that respect and support the conservation of medicinal plants and the environment in general.
These guidelines concern the cultivation and collection of medicinal plants and include certain post-harvest operations.
The guidelines presented in this document are designed to provide a useful resource for healthcare professionals involved in clinical case management. They were developed taking into consideration services provided at different levels within the health system and resources available. These guideline...s are intended to standardize care at both tertiary and secondary levels of service delivery across different socio economic stratifications of our society.
This guidance document sets out a methodology to identify and track financing to the WASH sector in a coherent and consistent manner across several countries. It is designed to help countries track financing to the WASH sector on a regular and comparable basis and analyse this information to support... evidence-based policy-making based on useful indicators.
External quality assessment (EQA) is an important component of quality systems for blood transfusion services. Establishing external quality assessment programmes for screening of donated blood for transfusion-transmissible infections (TTI): implementation guide aims to support WHO member States in ...establishing and operating EQA programmes for screening donated blood for TTI. The guides has been designed for use by national health authorities and EQA organizing institutions in the development of EQA programme. It will also give participating laboratories an insight into the organization of EQA programmes for TTI screening and an understanding of the benefits of participation.
Q11. SCOPING QUESTIONS: In people with psychotic disorders (including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) are recovery-oriented psychosocial strategies enhancing independent living and social skills (such as life skills and social skills training) feasible and effective?
Guide pratique pour l'amélioration de la qualité des soins grâce à de meilleurs services d'eau, d'assainissement et d'hygiène dans les établissements de santé
The State of the world’s nursing 2020 report provides the latest, most up-to-date evidence on and policy options for the global nursing workforce. It also presents a compelling case for considerable – yet feasible – investment in nursing education, jobs, and leadership.
The primary chapters... of the report outline the role and contributions of nurses with respect to the WHO “triple billion” targets; the health labour market and workforce policy levers to address the challenges to nurses working to their full potential; the findings from analysis of National Health Workforce Account (NHWA) data from 191 Member States and progress in relation to the projected shortfall of nurses by 2030; and forward-looking policy options for an agenda to strengthen the nursing workforce to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals, improve health for all, and strengthen the primary health care workforce on our journey towards universal health coverage.
Immunizations are an essential health service that protect susceptible individuals from vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD).2 By providing timely immunizations, individuals and communities remain protected and the likelihood of a VPD outbreak decreases
This publication is available in Arabic, Chines...e, English, French, Russian and Spanish
Le présent document accompagne le document d’orientation provisoire Renforcer la préparation à l’épidémie de COVID-19 dans les villes et autres milieux urbains, qui vient compléter le plan stratégique de préparation et de riposte et la mise à jour de la stratégie
13 juillet 2021. L'Aïd al Adha est une fête au cours de laquelle les familles et les amis musulmans s'unissent pour prier ensemble et faire l'aumône, notamment sous la forme de viande animale sacrifiée. À la lumière de la pandémie de COVID-19, ce document met en évidence des conseils de sant...é publique pour les rassemblements sociaux et les pratiques religieuses qui peuvent être appliqués dans différents contextes nationaux.
The State of the world’s nursing 2020 report provides the latest, most up-to-date evidence on and policy options for the global nursing workforce.
The assistive technology capacity assessment (ATA-C) is a system-level tool to evaluate a country’s capacity to finance, regulate, procure and provide assistive technology. It can be used for awareness raising, policy and programme design, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation. This manual provide...s guidance and practical information on the ATA-C implementation process. The ATA-C is intended to be implemented by an experienced team, in collaboration with relevant ministries and users’ organizations.