Advocacy achievements of the bridging the gaps global partners
Accessed: 17.11.2019
In September, 2018, the first international Medicine Quality and Public Health Conference was held at Oxford University, UK, to discuss opportunities and solutions to ensure that all people have access to affordable and quality-assured medical products. Delegates developed the short Oxford Statement..., calling for investment, policy change, and action to eliminate substandard and falsified medical products. The statement was born out of discussion between governments, national and international agencies, non-governmental organisations, professional associations, and academic institutions who together examined the latest evidence on the epidemiology and public health implications of substandard and falsified medical products.
Le Ministère de la Santé (MS), dans le cadre de la démarche qualité au niveau du secteur, s’est engagé depuis quelques années dans la normalisation des activités par l’élaboration et la mise en place de documents normatifs. C’est le cas du présent document de politique, normes et proc...édures en matière de prise en charge des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH).
L’impact socio-économique et sanitaire du VIH/Sida fait désormais de cette affection, tant un problème de santé publique qu’un problème de développement. C’est donc pour ne pas laisser les personnes infectées en marge du développement de notre pays, que leur prise en charge a été identifiée comme domaine de prestation de service avec des directives nationales de prise en charge des PVVIH diffusées.
Regional Initiative for the Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and Congenital Syphilis in Latin America and the Caribbean
Rev Panam Salud Publica 40(6), 2016
An information package for school staff
Public Health & Primary Care / Research Article
Cogent Medicine (2018), 5: 1430197
Lefebvre et al., Cogent Medicine (2018), 5: 1430197
The guidelines are aimed at clinical professionals directly involved with and responsible for the care of adults with HIV infection, and at community advocates responsible for promoting the best interests and care of HIV-positive adults. They should be read in conjunction with other published BHIVA ...guidelines.
The 2016 interim update to the 2015 BHIVA antiretroviral guidelines has been published online to include tenofovir-alafenamide/emtricitabine as a preferred NRTI backbone for first-line therapy. Changes were based on new data and the consensus opinion of the writing committee. All changes to the guideline are highlighted and include updates to the chronic kidney disease and bone disease sections of special populations and some small changes to managing virological failure.
The 2019 interim statement provides updated advice on treatment with two-drug regimens
Le fonctionnement de la prise en charge des patients séropositifs au Bénin, le cas de l’Atacora
Review Article
Granich et al. Int J Virol AIDS 2018, 5:043 DOI: 10.23937/2469-567X/1510043 Volume 5 | Issue 1