While the full effects of COVID-19 remain unknown, the pandemic continues to profoundly impact regional migration and mobility dynamics, with deep health, social and economic consequences for the most vulnerable, including migrants, displaced populations and their host communities, and returnees.
Updated 2022. This guide addresses the care pathway from presentation of the patient to a health facility to patient discharge. It considers different levels of disease severity, from asymptomatic individuals to critically ill patients. Accounting for variations in the benefits and harms of chest im...aging in different situations, remarks are provided to describe the circumstances under which each recommendation would benefit patients. The guide also includes implementation considerations for different settings, provides suggestions for impact monitoring and evaluation and identifies knowledge gaps meriting further research.
1 February 2021 to 31 January 2022
A focus on Cambodia and Ethiopia
o date, little evidence is available on how such integration occurs at country level. To address this knowledge gap, WHO has conducted several in-depth situational analysis in countries that are undertaking actions to improve WASH in Health Care Facilities as part o...f their quality of care improvement efforts. The purpose of the situation analyses was to capture mechanisms that “jointly support” WASH in HCF and quality of care improvements and also identify barriers and challenges to implementing and sustaining these improvements.
A Resource Guide for Country Offices
Обновленная версия Декабрь 2020 г.
módulo del conjunto de evaluaciones de la capacidad de los servicios de salud en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19: orientaciones provisionales, 12 de mayo de 2021; La herramienta de evaluación de la continuidad de los servicios sanitarios esenciales: Herramienta de evaluación de instalacion...es puede ser utilizada por los países para evaluar rápidamente la capacidad de los centros de salud para mantener la prestación de servicios sanitarios esenciales durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Puede ayudar a alertar a las autoridades y a otras partes interesadas sobre los casos en que la prestación y utilización de los servicios puede requerir modificaciones y/o inversiones. Esta herramienta de evaluación abarca los siguientes aspectos de los servicios sanitarios esenciales
personal sanitario (número, ausencias, infecciones por COVID-19, gestión del personal sanitario, formación y apoyo)
gestión financiera y obstáculos;
prestación y utilización de los servicios (cierre de centros, cambios en la prestación de servicios, campañas de comunicación con la comunidad, cambios en la utilización de los servicios y estrategias de recuperación);
capacidades de CIP (protocolos, medidas de seguridad, directrices y disponibilidad de equipos de protección personal (EPP) para el personal)
la disponibilidad de terapias, diagnósticos y suministros, y la disponibilidad de vacunas; y
la prestación de servicios de atención primaria COVID-19.
Occupational health and safety programmes aim to prevent diseases and injuries arising out of, linked with or occurring in the course of work, while improving the quality and safety of care, safeguarding the health workforce and promoting environmental sustainability in the health sector.
This gu...ide provides an overview of the key elements of occupational health and safety programmes for health workers at national, subnational and facility levels, as well as advice for the development and implementation of such programmes. Health workers exposure risk assessment and management in the context of COVID-19 virus
J Glob Health 2021;11:03082.
Après plus de trois ans sans cas, Haïti a signalé le 2 octobre 2022 un ensemble de cas de choléra dans la zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince, alors que le pays était sur le point d'être déclaré exempt de choléra.
Cette résurgence du choléra en Haïti survient dans un contexte opér...ationnel complexe, au milieu d'un environnement socio-politique instable marqué par des blocus, des pénuries de carburant, des activités de bandes criminelles et une insécurité galopante. Les troubles civils et le manque d'accès aux communautés touchées aggravent la crise humanitaire complexe et entravent les efforts de réponse d'urgence.
After more than three years without cases, Haiti reported on 2 October 2022 a cluster of cholera cases in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince, just as the country was on the verge of being declared cholera- free.
This cholera resurgence in Haiti is happening in a complex operational context, ...amid a volatile socio- political environment marked by blockades, fuel shortages, criminal gang activity and rampant insecurity. Civil unrest and lack of access to the affected communities are deepening the complex humanitarian crisis and hindering emergency response efforts.
“2022 was an eventful year for the WHO Country Office in Ghana,” says Dr Francis Kasolo, WHO Representative to Ghana.
In 2022, WHO Ghana collaborated with partners to deliver interventions in support of the Government of Ghana's health sector agenda to ensure healthy lives for all towards ach...ieving Universal Health Coverage. This 2022 annual report highlights some of the achievements that were chalked in our efforts to help promote the health and wellbeing of Ghanaians
4th edition
The WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual (LBM) has been in broad use at all levels of clinical and public health laboratories, and other biomedical sectors globally, serving as a de facto global standard that presents best practices and sets trends in biosafety.
LBM encouraged countries t...o accept and implement basic concepts in biological safety and to develop national codes of practice for the safe handling of biological agents in laboratories within their geographical borders.
This fourth edition of the manual builds on the risk assessment framework introduced in the third edition. A thorough, evidence-based and transparent assessment of the risks allows safety measures to be balanced with the actual risk of working with biological agents on a case-by-case basis.
This novel evidence- and risk-based approach will allow optimised resource use and sustainable laboratory biosafety and biosecurity policies and practices that are relevant to their individual circumstances and priorities, enabling equitable access to clinical and public health laboratory tests and biomedical research opportunities without compromising safety.
As knowledge on Ebola-related safety measures accumulates, this guidance is provisional. This guide focuses on psychological first aid, which involves humane, supportive and practical help to follow human beings suffering serious crisis events. The guidance has been written for people who help othe...rs during Ebola virus disease outbreaks.
Interim Recommendation published 19 September 2014. These recommendations reflect current understanding of Ebola virus disease (EVD) and are intended for national laboratory staff performing diagnostic testing to detect Ebola virus.