Fist Edition: January, 2012
Kingdom of Cambodia, Nation Religion King
Report on Main Findings
The review encompasses three complementary components: 1) a review of published literature 2000-2015 on NCDs and their risk factors; 2) qualitative interviews with key actors engaged in NCD research in Myanmar; and 3) additional reviews of Myanmar ethical committee inqui...ries and postgraduate research on NCDs in Myanmar. This report outlines the key findings from the three components including a synthesis of the key outcomes from the literature review and qualitative interviews, and an assessment of the gaps in the evidence against a framework of evidence needs.
Moving from accelerated burden reduction to malaria elimination in Zambia
Third Stocktaking Report, 2008
Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS
Global HIV Strategic Information Working Group
Practical Guidance for collaborative interventions
Supplement Article
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 75, Supplement 2, June 1, 2017
UNICEF, WHO Whole of Syria Nutrition, Cluster, the Global Nutrition Cluster, the IFE Core Group, and partners call for ALL involved in the response to the earthquakes in Syria to protect, promote, and support the feeding and care of infants and young children, their caregivers, especially pregnant, ...postpartum, and breastfeeding women. This is critical to support maternal and child survival, growth and development, and to prevent malnutrition, illness and death. This joint statement has been issued to help secure immediate, coordinated, multi-sectoral action on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) to support and provide care for infants and their caregivers during the emergency response of the Earthquake in Syria.
Submitted to the US Agency for International Development by the Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program.