A guide to common pediatric disorders. A online learning programme.
Child healtcare is for GPs and paediatric nurses in primary care settings. It cover common and important clilnical problems in children.
What health profressional need to know. An online learning programme
Adult HIV is for primary care nurses, medical officers and lay counsellors. It covers management of HIV-infected adults at primary care clinics, preparing patients for ARV treatment
Four years after the Houthi takeover of the capital Sana’a and the beginning of the Saudi-led military intervention, there is little to suggest that Yemen will find peace in the near future. As of January 2018, the conflict has killed tens of thousands of people and displaced millions, causing wid...espread devastation to the country’s civilian and public infrastructure, including hospitals, airports, roads, houses and factories.
UNICEF’s support for data collection: the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS)
For close to 15 years, the Monitor has tracked the impact of victim assistance on the lives of victims of landmines, cluster munitions,
and other explosive remnants of war (hereafter “mine/ERW victims”). Over this time, the international communi...ty has strengthened its resolve to promote the rights and address the needs of victims through programs and services that are accessible and adequate in quantity, quality, availability, and consistent with the high standards set by human rights as well as other international humanitarian law.
Country Profiles include summaries of developments related to mine ban policy, cluster munition ban policy, mine action, casualties, victim assistance, and support for mine action. Profiles are updated annually, when merited.
Monitor interactive maps present treaty status, stockpiles, contamination, and casualties data on landmines and cluster munitions, primarily based on the latest Monitor annual reports.
This is the 19th annual Landmine Monitor report. It is the sister publication to the Cluster Munition Monitor report, first published in November 2010.
Landmine Monitor 2016 provides a global overview of the landmine situation. Chapters on developments in specific countries and other areas are ava...ilable in online Country Profiles at www.the-monitor.org/cp.
Landmine Monitor covers mine ban policy, use, production, trade, and stockpiling, and also includes information on contamination, clearance, casualties, victim assistance, and support for mine action. The report focuses on calendar year 2015, with information included up to November 2016 when possible.
C’est en agissant prestement sur le front économique que l’on a pu surmonter cette crise sanitaire
L’Afrique de l’Ouest et la communauté internationale ont dû faire face à une crise sanitaire sans précédent lorsqu’a éclaté, en mars 2014, la plus grande épidémie de la maladie... à virus Ébola jamais enregistrée. Celle-ci a fait plus de 11.000 morts et infecté plus de 28.000 personnes entre la fin 2013 et le début 2016.
L’importance des dépenses sanitaires et sociales que cette épidémie a exigées a aussi provoqué une crise économique, qui a été aggravée par l’effondrement presque concomitant des cours des produits de base. Déjà sous pression avant la survenue de l’épidémie, les systèmes sanitaires et sociaux de la Guinée, du Libéria et de la Sierra Leone — pays les plus touchés — ont été submergés.
Manual for Training in Cancer Control