Policy Brief, Updated in March 2017
This booklet shows what disability inclusive development for poverty alleviation looks like in a range of settings and with different challenges through eight case studies of projects funded by CBM Australia through the Australian Government NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).
In this course you will examine the interconnections between poverty, development and violent conflict. This is one of seven Medical Peace Work courses.
In eastern and southern Africa
July 2018
- A global call to action
- Case studies
- Blogs
- Next steps
Глобальная статистика свидетельствует о том, что бремя туберкулеза более актуально в городских регионах. Тем не менее, в тех странах, где большая часть населения п...оживает в сельской местности в условиях крайней нищеты, туберкулез является доминирующей проблемой среди сельских жителей. Бедность и ограниченный доступ к медицинским учреждениям и медицинским работникам значительно снижают способность людей с туберкулезом, проживающих в сельской местности, получить своевременную диагностику и лечение.
Accessed on 2019
Report on ILGA-Europe/COC fact-finding mission
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 32 (2015) 170–178
1201-9712/ß 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:...//creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).
Frontiers in Pediatrics | www.frontiersin.org
1 April 2019 | Volume 7 | Article 159
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 80 (2019) 10–15
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijid
The CDAC Network commissioned a practice guide to draw both on their experiences and many others’ in order to document approaches, practices and tools to working with rumors. It is aimed primarily at humanitarian programme managers and field staff to provide them with practical tips on how to work... with rumors in their response programs in a way that is achievable amid competing demands.
Part One focuses on some of the theory behind rumors: the definition, nature and importance of rumors, and why we need to work with them.
Part Two explains the key steps and considerations to identifying and addressing rumous: listening, verifying and engaging.
Part Three examines different roles and responsibilities in working with rumous, and how anticipation, coordination and partnerships can enhance what you do.
A short movie about the history and the current status of antibiotics from the four week online course: Antibiotic Resistance: the silent tsunami, produced by ReAct and Uppsala University, Sweden.
The objective of this report is to assess the situational landscape during mid-May 2020 surrounding the value chain of the production and distribution of generic antiretroviral medicines in low- and-middle-income countries and to provide recommendations on mitigating the risks of potential disruptio...ns.