Razum O et al. Covid-19 in Flüchtlingsunterkünften: ÖGD. Gesundheitswesen 2020; 82: 392–396
Available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese and Spanish
Addendum: 2020 mid-year COVID-19 resvision, summary of the reprioritisation & additional requirements in response to COVID-19
In June and July 2020, a mid-year revision of the 2020 South Sudan Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRRP) was undertaken as an inter-agency consultative process to discuss ...and document the reprioritization of activities and corresponding budgets for the rest of the year, taking into account the impacts of COVID-19 and other developments.
This document, endorsed by the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization, provides guiding principles to support countries in their decision-making regarding provision or resumption of immunization services during severe disruptive events such as COVID-19, natural disasters or humanita...rian emergencies. It incorporates the Immunization Agenda 2030 principles of being people-centred, country-owned, partnership-based and data-guided.
Опыт предыдущих вспышек инфекционных заболеваний указывает на то, что новые риски
для защиты детей могут возникать как в результате прямого воздействия COVID-19, так ...и
в результате мер по предотвращению и контролю его распространения. Кроме того, существующие риски для защиты детей, вероятно, будут усугублены. Некоторые группы людей более уязвимы в этих обстоятельствах, в том числе, как указано в данной Технической записке, дети, лишенные свободы, у которых зачастую возникают риски с вопросами психосоциального, физического и психического здоровья, которые живут в людных или негигиеничных условиях и больше подвержены жестокому обращению, насилию и халатному отношению.
Technical note: COVID-19 and children deprived of their liberty
Коронавирусная инфекция COVID-19: инфекционная безопасность в эндоскопическом отделении
This technical note contains indicators and minimum standards necessary for emergency response in the following topics: quantity of water, access to water, quality of water, sanitation, hygiene, solid waste, cleaning and disinfection, as well as dosages for the preparation of solutions disinfectants... using sodium hypochlorite.
(actualizado en 17 de julio del 2020
Esta ficha contiene indicadores y estándares mínimos necesarios para la respuesta a la emergencia en los siguientes temas: cantidad de agua, acceso al agua, calidad del agua, saneamiento, higiene, residuos sólidos, limpieza y desinfección, así como dosifica...ciones para la preparación de soluciones desinfectantes utilizando hipoclorito de sodio.
A Global Analysis of Antimicrobial Resistance and Its Drivers.
Since the first State of the World’s Antibiotics report in 2015, antimicrobial resistance has leveled off in some high-income countries but continues to rise in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where access to antibiotic...s has risen with increases in gross domestic product per capita. Per capita antibiotic consumption in LMICs is lower than in high-income countries, despite a higher infectious disease burden; however, consumption rates are rapidly converging. These trends reflect both better access to antibiotics for those who need them and increases in inappropriate antibiotic use.
In this COVID-19 pandemic, timely access to accurate information can be the difference between life and death. The stakes are high in developing countries like Ethiopia where millions of people have limited access to information because of low media access, insufficientin...ternet penetration, illiteracy, and language diversity.
The Multi-professional Patient Safety Curriculum Guide (2011) was developed to assist in the teaching of patient safety in universities and schools in the fields of dentistry, medicine, midwifery, nursing and pharmacy. It also supports the on-going training of all health care professionals.
The C...urriculum Guide is comprised of two parts. Part A is a teachers’ guide designed to introduce patient safety concepts to educators. It relates to building capacity for patient safety education, programme planning and design of the courses. Part B provides all-inclusive, ready-to-teach, topic-based patient safety courses that can be used as a whole, or on a per topic basis. There are 11 patient safety topics, each designed to feature a variety of ideas and methods for patient safety learning. Universities are encouraged to start with Part A which provides comprehensive advice on how to introduce and build patient safety courses.
J of Pharm Policy and Pract 14, 27 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40545-021-00309-8
The checklist and reference list has two parts: high-level cross-cutting content (Part A) and specific programme content (Part B). Part A applies to all countries and contains situation and response analysis, the NSP development process, the goal, targets and priority-setting of the NSP and the prin...ciples of human rights and gender equity and sustainability. Part B comprises the programme requirements of prevention, treatment and care, comorbidities and integration, social protection, health systems, community engagement, human rights and gender equity, efficiency and effectiveness, governance, management and accountability, HIV and the humanitarian response
revised version December 2020