Social Determinants of Health Discussion Paper 1 (Debates). This paper was prepared for the launch of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH) by its secretariat based at WHO in Geneva. It was discussed by the Commissioners and then revised considering their input.
While many of the countries hit by the COVID-19 in the first few months of the year are now beginning to relax lockdown measures as infection and death rates fall, in the regions most affected by HIV, TB and malaria, such as Africa, South Asia and Latin America, the pandemic continues to accelerate.... In lower resource settings, lockdowns are less effective and hard to sustain, and clinical care facilities are extremely limited. In such environments, the response to COVID-19 must focus on containing the pandemic’s spread as far as possible through testing, contact tracing and isolation, protecting the health workforce through training and the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) and minimizing the knock-on impact on other diseases through shoring up fragile health systems, and adapting existing disease programs.
Millions of children in Yemen could be pushed to ‘the brink of starvation’ due to huge shortfalls in humanitarian aid funding amid the COVID-19 pandemic – according to a new UNICEF report marking more than five years since conflict escalated in the country.
La SNPEME définit ainsi les orientations nationales pour la promotion de l‟abandon
total du mariage d‟enfants et comporte un ensemble d‟actions pertinentes retenues
de façon consensuelle. Elle décrit en outre le cadre législatif, les mécanismes et les
modalités de sa mise en œuvre. E...lle s‟articule autour des points suivants :
- l‟analyse diagnostique ;
- les éléments de la stratégie;
- le financement ;
- le mécanisme de mise en œuvre ;
- les hypothèses et risques.
A Meand to enhancing HIV prevention in key populations. This document has been developed out of the increasing need to set up standards and procedures to prevent and respond to violence against key populations.
WHO's Health in the Green Economy sector briefings examine the health impacts of climate change mitigation strategies considered by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in their Fourth Assessment Report.
The accounting framework for health care financing is a key component of A System of Health Accounts 2011, published by OECD, Eurostat and WHO in October 2011.1 The framework makes health accounts more adaptable to rapidly evolving health financing systems, further enhances crosscountry comparabilit...y of health expenditures and financing data, and ultimately improves the information base for the analytical use of national health accounts (NHAs). It is hoped that SHA 2011 – including its financing framework – will make health accounts a more useful assessment and monitoring tool for health systems and health expenditure in the economy as a whole.
1.Orthopedics - education 2.Prostheses and implants - utilization 3. Orthotic devices - utilization 4.Developing countries 5.Guidelines 6.Teaching materials I.World Health Organization II.International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics
Afin d’aider les pays non touchés à mieux faire face à une éventuelle importation de cas de maladie à virus Ebola en renforçant le dispositif de préparation et de planification déjà en place, l’OMS et l’ensemble des partenaires de la riposte ont dépêché une mission en République c...entreafricaine du 2 au 8 décembre 2014.
Based on research by a team of Nepalese and international experts, this report carries an analysis of the five key elements in the sector - land, basic services, housing finance, building materials and construction technologies, and labour. It gives an assessment
of how these components are governe...d by policy, institutional and legal frameworks, and how they are linked with one another and other urban policies.