International Journal of Science Annals DOI 10.26697/ijsa.2018.1-2.05; UDC 159.9.072(477)
Tuberculosis (TB) control in the African Region has evolved since the disease was declared a global emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1993. Member States have adopted and implemented successive global and regional strategies and resolutions, with demonstrable positive impacts on in...cidence, prevalence and mortality, albeit with variations across countries. By the end of 2015, the Region as a whole met the key Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target of halting and beginning to reverse TB incidence. However only 35 of the 47 Member States met the MDG target.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is committed to ensuring the effective implementation of this strategy, which will contribute to the overall wellbeing and health of all adolescent boys and girls of Bangladesh
16-17 march 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
Meeting report
Progress towards targets of the Global action plan on dementia
Cureus. 2015 Nov; 7(11): e372.
Published online 2015 Nov 3. doi: 10.7759/cureus.372
PMCID: PMC4671837
PMID: 26677422
Children's Health and the Environment WHO Training Package for the Health Sector World Health Organization
Evaluation report
September 2014
Identified through evaluation of the response to pandemic (H1N1) 2009
The Guide has been developed to enhance the knowledge capabilities of NDMAs and their local partners. This is accomplished by exposing them to the existing tools and services developed by the international community to facilitate effective disaster response to any scale of disaster (small, medium an...d large) and assist in comprehensive response preparedness
Clinical Infectious Diseases 2010; 50:291–322
4th edition. A manual for clinics, community health centers and district hospitals
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Jun; 15(6): 1279.
Published online 2018 Jun 16. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15061279
World Drug Report 2018
World Drug Report 2018
This publication seeks to describe the best treatments and practices based on the scientific evidence available at the time of writing as evaluated by the authors and may change as a result of new research. Readers need to apply this knowledge to patients in accordance with the guidelines and laws o...f their country of practice. Some medications may not be available in some countries and readers should consult the specific drug information since not all the unwanted effects of medications are mentioned.