This guideline provides global, evidence-informed recommendations on a number of specific issues related to the management of severe acute malnutrition in infants and children, including in the context of HIV.
These guidelines provide specific recommendations and expert suggestions — for national policy-makers and programme managers and their partners and stakeholders— on prioritizing, planning and providing HIV testing, counselling, treatment and care services for adolescents
Confernece Report 15-16 April 2013 - Dublin, Ireland
Advancing Health, Learning and Equity through WASH in Schools
Mainstreaming Gender in Water and Sanitation
This guidance is intended to be one stop shop to improve the quality and effectiveness of health interventions in emergency, to respond to the most frequent scenarios and conditions.
The main document contains the most common elements to be found in emergencies. As much as possible they are one pag...e tables on one topic each with the key elements that ensure quality in column 2 of the table. Column 1 is about key information. Column 3 contains suggested indicators and column 4 helps decision making. This is a document to consult as needed, not really to read from front to last page
Since December 2010, Malaria Consortium has been implementing an innovative approach to community management of severe acute malnutrition, together with an existing integrated community case management (ICCM) programme in South Sudan. This learning paper considers Malaria Consortiums experience of t...his combined approach in a highly complex context and shows whether the management of severe acute malnutrition is an effective, acceptable and feasible component of ICCM programming
Travelers planning to conduct humanitarian work in areas where outbreaks of Ebola hemorrhagic fever and Marburg hemorrhagic fever are known to occur need to be familiar with how Ebola virus and Marburg virus are transmitted
Documentation of Best Practices and Bottlenecks to Program Implementation in Senegal
Accessed at March 2014
An Overview of Current Evidence with Recommendations for Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs to Accelerate Progress in Achieving the Health-related Millennium Development Goals
Training Manual
Building on earlier EngenderHealth work in counseling, Counseling for Effective Use of Family Planning responds to an identified gap in existing materials and fills the needs expressed by those in the field. The intended audiences for this curriculum are health care providers, their... supervisors, and the managers of the programs in which they work. The counseling skills addressed here are expected to be relevant to the provision of both preventive and curative health services through the workshop participants’ national health systems. Finally, the curriculum’s participatory approach to defining terms and to generating profiles of potential clients is designed to assist trainees in addressing the realities and exploring the reproductive health priorities of their communities in a culturally appropriate manner.
This publication makes the case for working with men and women, boys and girls, together in an intentional and mutually reinforcing way that challenges gender norms in the pursuit of improved health and gender equality. In addition to providing a definition for the new concept of gender synchronizat...ion, this document provides examples of synchronized approaches that have worked first with women and girls, or first with men and boys, and describes interventions that have worked with both sexes from the start. It also provides examples of new and emerging programs that should be watched in the coming years for the knowledge they may contribute to the implementation of gender synchronization.
The occurrence of a high percentage of couterfeit medicines on the global medicines market is often attributed to a lack of effective regulation and a weak enforcement capacity. This review, while focusing on counterfeit medicines and medical devices in developing countries, will present information... on their impact and how these issues can be addressed by regulation and control of the supply chain using technology appropriate to the developing world.