This document provides an overview of the evidence of nutrition gains that can be achieved with improved WASH, a description of key WASH practices, and practical knowledge and guidance on how to integrate WASH into nutrition programmes, including important monitoring and evaluation (M&E) aspects. Th...e document concludes by providing a suite of case-studies and lessons learnt in integrating WASH with nutrition efforts
This volume presents the complex patterns of cancer incidence and death around the world and evidence on effective and cost-effective ways to control cancers. The Disease Control Priorities Volume 3 evaluation of cancer will indicate where cancer treatment is ineffective and wasteful, and offer alte...rnative cancer care packages that are cost-effective and suited to low-resource settings.
Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition: Volume 3
Who suffers Most from Extreme Weather Events? Weather-related Loss Events in 2019 and 2000 to 2019
The Global Climate Risk Index 2021 analyses and ranks to what extent countries and regions have been affected by impacts of climate related extreme weather events (storms, floods, heatwaves etc.). The... most recent data available for 2019 and from 2000 to 2019 was taken into account.
The 65-page report names more than 15 commanders and officials from both the government Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and the rebel SPLA-in Opposition and their allies who have used child soldiers. The report is based on interviews with 101 child soldiers who were either forcibly recruited... or joined forces to protect themselves and their communities. They said they lived for months without enough food, far away from family, and were thrown into terrifying gun battles in which they were injured and saw friends killed. Children also expressed deep regret that they had lost time they should have spent in school.
Resilience has rapidly become one of the most prominent objectives for the development sector, so ascertaining how best to measure it is an essential task for practioners working in monitoring and evaluation. In this discussion paper, the main insights emerging from the series of large-N Reviews, a set of quantitative studies that aim to evaluate impact and generate learning from a random sample of Oxfam’s projects are outlined. It is also considered how this measurement approach may adapt as ideas about resilience change both within Oxfam and in the development sector at large
This brief guidance note seeks to provide advice on protecting and supporting the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants in Europe. It describes key principles and appropriate interventions to guide all those who are designing and organizing emergency servi...ces and/or providing direct assistance to the affected people
Directives relatives aux situations d’urgence
Recommandations provisoires.
Néanmoins, les femmes enceintes atteintes d’une maladie à virus Ebola évolutive et celles ayant survécu à une telle maladie sans perdre l’enfant à naître sont susceptibles de transmettre le virus pendant l’accouchement et/ou la prise en charge des éventuel...les complications obstétricales
The document introduces a simple classification, minimums standards and a registration form for Foreign Medical Teams (FMTs) that may provide surgical and trauma care arriving within the aftermath of a sudden onset disaster. These can serve as tools to improve the coordination of the foreign medical... team response, and be the reference for registration on arrival as well as a possible global registration mechanism similar to what exists for urban search and rescue teams
Informations importantes pour les jeunes mères. Document disponible en arabique, bengali, chinois, francais, gujarati, hindi, italien, mirpuri, polonais, portugais, punjabi, russe, somali, espagnol, tamil, turc, urdu. Pour les autres langues allez voir
The English terminology, and its translations into Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish, are available on the UNISDR website at: and on PreventionWeb at:
- Conference summary report
For the control of vectors and pests of public health importance. Sixth edition