This research report provides results from the study on living conditions
among people with disabilities in Malawi. Comparisons are made between
individuals with and without disabilities and also between households with and without a disabled family member. Results obtained in Malawi are also comp...ared those obtained in earlier studies carried out in Namibia and Zimbabwe. The Malawian study was undertaken in 2003.
Поэтому уже давно возникала мысль о том,что подробный комментарий по вопросам научных знаний и практическогоопыта, лежащих в основе политики ВОЗ по борьбе ...с туберкулезом, являлся бысущественным элементом технического сотрудничества ВОЗ с ее государствамичленами. Данная книга, написанная в форме вопросов и ответов, являетсяпервым шагом в этом направлении. Я надеюсь, что она станет доступной длявсех специалистов, участвующих в борьбе с туберкулезом, организаторов здравоохранения и администраторов, ответственных за формирование и выполнение национальных программ борьбы с туберкулезом, а также всех медицинскихработников, ежедневно решающих конкретные задачи борьбы с туберкулезомна местах.
Teachers' Exercise Book for HIV Prevention
Document 6.1
This booklet contains all the participatory learning experiences that are included in the Training and Resource Manual on School Health and HIV and AIDS Prevention. It is to be given to all teachers who receive training as part of the EI/WH...O School Health and HIV Prevention Project. Other groups may wish to copy and use the materials in this document to help adults and students prevent HIV infection and related discrimination.
20 February 2013
Update on 2004 Background Paper (Written by Saloni Tanna)
Priority Medicines for Europe and the World "A Public Health Approach to Innovation"
"This Code provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks associated with hazardous
chemicals for persons conducting a business or undertaking who use chemicals in their workplace."
This World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) joint guidelines production aims at harnessing the contribution of employers and workers towards the control of TB. It covers all the practical steps involved in establishing TB control activities, including (for la...rge employers) starting and running a workplace TB control programme. They are intended for use in all countries in which TB incidence is high and the target audience for the guidelines includes employers, employee organizations, NTP managers, and agencies providing technical support for TB control.
Asylum and Migration Working Paper 1
Developed in collaboration with the International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO)