The Republic of the Union of Myanmar is at a historic moment, with a new civilian government assuming power in 2016. The country graduated to lower-middle-income status in 2015, and has made significant progress in reducing poverty, improving food security and addressing malnutrition.
The remai...ning challenges to food and nutrition security and achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 2 targets include continued population displacements resulting from conflict, vulnerability to extreme weather events, poverty, limited social protection coverage, high malnutrition and persistent gender inequalities.
This Guide contains information, guidelines, diagrams and other materials addressed to medical practitioners who are engaged in the treatment of casualties of chemical weapons. It is made available to the public for information purposes, but is not intended to be used by the public. All decisions re...garding patient care must be made with a healthcare provider and consider the unique characteristics of each patient.
Agodokpessi et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (2015) 8:12DOI 10.1186/s40545-015-0033-7
Benin established a revolving drug fund (RDF) for essential asthma medicines in 2008. We evaluated
the operation of the RDF and assessed whether there was interruption of supply of asthma me...dicine from 2008 to
Sub-Saharan African Journal of Medicine: Year : 2014 | Volume : 1 | Issue : 1 | Page : 1-14
What every clinician should know
This evaluation report of UNICEF’s Psychosocial Support Response for Syrian Children in Jordan was conducted by
Antares Foundation team (Albertien van der Veen, Reem AbuKishk, Shadi Bushnaq, Orso Muneghina, Reem Rawdha
and Tineke van Pietersom) under the supervision of guidance Farhod Kamidov, M...onitoring and Evaluation Officer
and Muhammad Rafiq Khan, Child Protection Specialist (CPiE).This is achieved through community-supported child and
adolescent friendly spaces (CFSs)1 and community-based
child protection mechanisms and processes. Currently,
in its fourth year of operation as part of the Syria crisis,
UNICEF considers it an opportune moment to take stock
of the programme’s overall effectiveness to date and in so
doing to inform its future.
BMC Pedaitrics. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2431-12-90
This manual aims to provide practical guidance to field workers in order to maximise the nutritional impact of food security & livelihoods (FSL) interventions. This requires the systematic use of a ‘nutrition lens’ at each step of the project cycle and a close collaboration between sectors.
The toolkit comprises ready-to-use material designed expressly for World Bank task managers working in the water and sanitation sector. It presents a range of tools for gender analysis and practical “how-to” strategies collected from program and project experience around the world. It is one of ...a series of toolkits being designed to assist task managers in improving project performance by incorporating gender into their work.
Relevance and effectiveness of World Bank support for public sector capacity building in Sub-Saharan Africa from 1995 to 2004. Benin is part of a six country case study.
An interdisciplinary study within the framework of the dialogue project on the contribution of the Catholic Church to a socio-ecological transformation.
The study examines the obstacles to the implementation of the socio-ecological transformation and develops recommendations for action.