Les pays progressent vers la réalisation de l’objectif mondial tendant à ce que, d’ici 2025, 95 pour cent des personnes qui vivent avec le VIH connaissent leur statut sérologique. Cependant, en 2020, on estimait encore à 6 millions le nombre de personnes séropositives non diagnostiquées da...ns le monde. Les hommes vivant dans des lieux où la prévalence du VIH est élevée et les hommes appartenant aux populations clés, tous lieux confondus, ont moins de chances de connaître leur séropositivité que les femmes. Ainsi, au niveau mondial, 78 pour cent des hommes de plus de 15 ans connaissent leur statut sérologique, contre 86 pour cent chez les femmes de cette même tranche d’âge.
Les pays progressent vers la réalisation de l’objectif mondial tendant à ce que, d’ici 2025, 95 pour cent des personnes qui vivent avec le VIH connaissent leur statut sérologique. Cependant, en 2020, on estimait encore à 6 millions le nombre de personnes séropositives non diagnostiquées da...ns le monde. Les hommes vivant dans des lieux où la prévalence du VIH est élevée et les hommes appartenant aux populations clés, tous lieux confondus, ont moins de chances de connaître leur séropositivité que les femmes. Ainsi, au niveau mondial, 78 pour cent des hommes de plus de 15 ans connaissent leur statut sérologique, contre 86 pour cent chez les femmes de cette même tranche d’âge.
An interregional meeting on leishmaniasis among neighbouring endemic
countries in the Eastern Mediterranean, African and European regions was organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Eastern
Mediterranean in Amman, Jordan, from 23 to 25 September 2018. The meeting w...as attended by representatives from the health ministries of Albania, Georgia, Greece, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic and Tunisia. Representatives from Afghanistan, Algeria and Libya were unable to attend. The Secretariat comprised staff from WHO headquarters, WHO regional offices in the Eastern Mediterranean, Africa and Europe, WHO country offices in Iraq, Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen, and WHO temporary advisors from Spain and Tunisia.
This project aimed to reduce the risk of vector-borne infection with Chagas disease by
controlling triatomine bugs, the vectors transmitting the parasite of Chagas disease, and
establishing an epidemiological surveillance system with community participation.
Snakebite is an acute life threatening time limiting medical emergency. It is a preventable public
health hazard often faced by rural population in tropical and subtropical countries with heavy
rainfall and humid climate.
Snakebite envenoming is a potentially life-threatening disease that typically results from the injection of a mixture of different toxins (“venom”) following the bite of a venomous snake. Envenoming can also be caused by venom being sprayed into a person’s eyes by certain species of snakes tha...t have the ability to spit venom as a defence measure. Not all snakebites result in envenoming: some snakes are non-venomous and venomous snakes do not always inject venom during a bite. About 50–55% of all snakebites result in envenoming. Snake venoms are complex mixtures of protein and peptide toxins, varying from one species to another, and even within species. The toxins in snake venoms are evolutionarily adapted to interact with a large variety of cellular targets in the organisms exposed to them. In humans and animals, snakebite envenoming affects multiple organ systems (depending on the particular species of snake and the classes of toxins present in the venom) and can cause, among other things: haemorrhage and prolonged disruption of haemostasis, neuromuscular paralysis, tissue necrosis, myolysis (muscle degeneration), cardiotoxicity, acute kidney injury, thrombosis and hypovolaemic shock.
En 2014, le taux de mortalité maternelle au Cambodge était estimé à 170 décès pour 100 000 naissances vivantes, et le taux de mortalité néonatale à 18 décès pour 1000 naissances vivantes, selon l’enquête démographique et de santé menée au Cambodge en 2014 . Ces chiffres signifient q...ue le Cambodge a atteint les cibles des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD) en 2015 pour la mortalité maternelle, la mortalité néonatale et d’autres indicateurs majeurs de la santé de la
mère, du nouveau-né et de l’enfant tels que les accouchements avec l’assistance de personnel qualifié, les accouchements dans des établissements de santé, les deuxièmes consultations de soins prénatals (ANC2+), les accouchements par césarienne et le ratio d’établissements d’orient
J Glob Health Sci. 2020 Jun;2(1):e3. A group of enzootic and zoonotic protozoan infections, the leishmaniases constitute among the most severely neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and are found in all continents except Oceania. Representing the most common infectious diseases, NTDs comprise an open-...ended list of some 20 parasitic, bacterial, viral, protozoan and helminthic infections. Called “diseases of the poor,” because of their characteristic prevalence in poor populations regardless of a country's income status, they infect over one billion people in over 140 countries, with about 90% of the global burden in Africa. While NTDs do not contribute significantly to global deaths, they are debilitating and remain the most common infections among the poor worldwide, preventing them from escaping poverty by impacting livelihoods such as agriculture and livestock, and affecting cognitive, developmental and education outcomes.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a global epidemic with significant morbidity. Diabetic
retinopathy (DR) is the specific microvascular complication of DM and affects 1 in 3 persons with DM. DR remains a leading cause of vision loss in working adult populations. Patients with severe levels of DR are report...ed to have poorer quality of life and reduced levels of physical, emotional, and social well-being, and they utilize more health care resources.
Epidemiological studies and clinical trials have shown that optimal control of blood glucose, blood pressure, and blood lipids can reduce the risk of developing retinopathy and slow its progression. Timely treatment with laser photocoagulation, and increasingly, the appropriate use of intraocular administration of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors can prevent visual loss in vision- threatening retinopathy, particularly diabetic macular edema (DME). Since visual loss may not be present in the earlier stages of retinopathy, regular screening of persons with diabetes is essential to enable early intervention.
ي الغرض من إطار عمل إجراءات المراقبة القائمة عىل األحداث هو أن به
تستعي السلطات والوكاالت المسؤولة عن المراقبة
ُ واالستجابة. كما
تيب إرشال تعىل سبيل المثال؛ هذ...ه الوثيقة ألصحاب المصلحة
ُعد بمثابة ك
ا عاما ي
إطار استخدام
الذين يرغبون ف ن
نهج "صحة واحدة" متعدد القطاعات لتنفيذ المراقبة القائمة عىل األحداث . و للقيام بذلك، تشتمل الوثيقة عىل فصول وملحق
ن مرتبطة ويمكن
للمستخدمي تغييها وتحديثها
بناء عىل احتياجاتهم الخاصة.
ُعد هذه
الت ي وت نسخة منقحة من النسخة األصلية "إطار عمل المراقبة القائمة عىل األحداث"
ن صدرت
ف 2018 .و ال ينسخ إطار
العمل هذا أو يحل محل أي مواد أخرى متاحة حاليا في ما يتعلق بمج ال المراقبة القائمة عىل األحداث أن
ن ؛ وبدال من ذلك، ينبعي
يستند إطار العمل إل الوثائق الموجودة سابقا ذات الصلة أو مرتبطة وأن يكون تيب
ك ا إرشاديا عملي ا لتنفيذ المراقبة القائمة عىل
األحداث أفريقيا.
ف ويتوافق إطار العمل ك لمنظمة الصحة العالمية
هذا مع الطبعة الثالثة من التقييم الخارج فيما يتعلق
ر بالمؤشات التالية: تعزيز
ي عىل كشف األحداث ذات األهمية للصحة العامة واألمن الصح أنظمة المراقبة و اإلنذار المبكر القادر ة
ر المؤش )
حسنة والتعاون عي القطاعات وبين 1.D2)؛ مستويات استجابة الصحة العمومية الوطنية والمتوسطة
وقنوات االتصال الم
العامة واألمن الصح والمحلية فيما يتعلق بمراقبة األحداث ذات األهمية للصحة
ر )المؤش
ن 2.D2)؛ القدرة عىل
وتحسي تحليل
ن البيانات عىل المستوى المتوسط والوطت ي
ر )المؤش
رش 3.D2 .)باإلضافة إل وع
الدول تنفيذ و
ف عرض مهام ووظائف المراقبة
القائمة عىل األحداث إذ ، اللوائح الصحية
درجات التقييم المشي ك وإحراز تقدم نحو تلبية المتطلبات المبينة ف ن
ستضمن زيادة ف ن
تحسين أيضا، تنفيذ المراقبة المتكاملة لألمراض واالستجابة لها، وذلك بالنسبة
تعد هذه الوثيقة مكملة ويمكن أن تساعد ف ل لدول
االتحاد األفريق
اعتمدت االسي األعضاء ف اتيجية المتكاملة لمراقبة األمراض واالستجابة لها،
لت عىل وجه الخصوص ي
للطبعة الثالثة ) 2019 تتضمن أجزاء حول
( الت المراقبة القائمة عىل األحداث ي
La schistosomiase est une parasitose aiguë et chronique provoquée par des vers (trématodes) du genre Schistosoma. Au moins 249 millions de personnes ont eu besoin d’un traitement préventif en 2012. Le traitement préventif, qui doit être répété sur plusieurs années, permettra de réduire ...et de prévenir la morbidité.
Aide-mémoire - Chikungunya
The following technical report outlines the rationale, process and results of a joint research study, coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), co-chaired by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the Ministry of Environment and Sus...tainable Development in collaboration with the Climate and Climate Air Coalition, the Stockholm Environment Institute, the Clean Air Institute and leading international and national experts. A rationale section describes the links between greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, short-lived climate pollutants, air pollution and adverse health outcomes. A summary of the research study describes how scenarios were modelled to examine the health and economic implications of raising ambition in Colombia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Presentation on WASH in Malawi
The chapter Dementia in Latin America and the Caribbean: Prevalence, Incidence, Impact, and Trends over Time, is part of the publication series titled “Decade of Healthy Aging: situation and challenges”. This document aims to provide an outline of the current situation in Latin America and the C...aribbean in respect of the prevalence and incidence of dementia and its impact on the health status of older people. As dementia is a significant global health problem which also has social and economic impacts this document highlights the importance of monitoring dementia in the region. The document evidences that dementia is one of the main contributors to dependence and disability in older people in Latin America and the Caribbean and, although its prevalence and incidence increase exponentially with age, it is not part of normal aging. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common dementia, and there is no cure for this condition, but with timely diagnosis is possible to ameliorate symptoms. It is important to assess what are the needs of people leaving with dementia and their families and to integrate dementia risk reduction strategies in pre-existing strategies for other non-communicable diseases. As shown in the report, despite the huge burden dementia is still underdiagnosed, and it is fundamental to better monitor its prevalence, incidence and the different societal impact that dementia can have. For that, it is crucial to promote the use of harmonized methodologies to address this information in a broader number of studies and countries in the region. This can contribute to the generation of direct actions to decrease dementia risk and lead to healthier lives for people with dementia and their families.
As a high-burden neglected tropical disease, soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections remain a major problem in the world, especially among children under five years of age. Since young children are at high risk of being infected, STH infection can have a long-term negative impact on their life, i...ncluding impaired growth and development. Stunting, a form of malnutrition in young children, has been long assumed as one of the risk factors in acquiring the STH infections. However, the studies on STH infection in children under five with stunting have been lacking, resulting in poor identification of the risk. Accordingly, we collected and reviewed existing related research articles to provide an overview of STH infection in a susceptible population of stunted children under five years of age in terms of prevalence and risk factors. There were 17 studies included in this review related to infection with Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, hookworm, and Strongyloides stercoralis from various countries. The prevalence of STH infection in stunted children ranged from 12.5% to 56.5%. Increased inflammatory markers and intestinal microbiota dysbiosis might have increased the intensity of STH infection in stunted children that caused impairment in the immune system. While the age from 2 to 5 years along with poor hygiene and sanitation has shown to be the most common risk factors of STH infections in stunted children; currently there are no studies that show direct results of stunting as a risk factor for STH infection. While stunting itself may affect the pathogenesis of STH infection, further research on stunting as a risk factor for STH infection is encouraged.
For the past years, Haiti has been engulfed in a socioeconomic, political, and humanitarian crisis that has reached critical levels since mid-September 2022 with the intensification of gang violence and social unrest. The widespread insecurity and
political instability have drastically affected the... country’s access to essential goods and services, including food, water, and health. The current fuel supply crisis has affected the water and electricity supply to the population, health centers, and hospitals. Due to problems of insecurity and violence, patients and health personnel have difficulty accessing hospitals and health services.
In parallel, the public health system and international partners face limited response capacity due to reduced international personnel in Haiti, logistics issues, and difficulties in importing supplies. Indeed insecurity, roadblocks, and lockdowns are affecting the importation of internationally procured goods, which may slow the arrival of essential lifesaving supplies to support cholera response efforts. This scenario is particularly problematic, as cholera recently resurfaced in early October.
Armed gangs now control over 60% of the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince, affecting at least 1.5 million people, and have expanded their influence outside of the capital city, interrupting vital humanitarian programs in most of the national territory,
including COVID-19 vaccination campaigns.
The Strategic Plan of Action and Budget 2016-2025 for the elimination of onchocerciasisin countries was prepared based on the above dlrective for the consideration of IAF 18.The vision of the plan of action is to eliminate onchocerciasis in 80 percent of Africancountries. Implementation of the plan ...will also help strengthen health systems at community level while implementing CDI wlll help scale-up interventions agalnst other NTDs to the benefit of the wider national health systems.
Due to high routine vaccination coverage, overall counts of diphtheria case have significantly declined in the Western Pacific Region recently. However, diphtheria is still prevalent in several countries and areas of the Region and remains a public health issue due to its high case fatality rate.
This Field Guide for Preparedness and Response to Diphtheria Outbreaks in the Western Pacific Region is a reference resource for Member States to develop national guidelines adapted to their local context. Countries may also use this Guide to facilitate outbreak preparedness and public health responses to reduce morbidity and mortality due to diphtheria.
Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a well-known neglected parasitic disease. However, evidence supporting the four current treatment modalities is inadequate, and treatment options remain controversial. The aim of this work is to analyse the available data to answer clinical questions regarding medical t...reatment of CE.