This publication seeks to describe the best treatments and practices based on the scientific evidence available at the time of writing as evaluated by the authors and may change as a result of new research. Readers need to apply this knowledge to patients in accordance with the guidelines and laws o...f their country of practice. Some medications may not be available in some countries and readers should consult the specific drug information since not all the unwanted effects of medications are mentioned.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Children under Age 6 | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Children and Adolescents Ages 6 to 17 Years Old
African Health Sciences 2013; 13(2): 219 - 232
Europe PMC Funders Group
Author Manuscript
Arch Dis Child. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 November 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Arch Dis Child. 2013 May ; 98(5): 323–327. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2012-302079.
Cognitive deficits in schizophrenia can massively impact functionality and quality of life, furthering the importance of cognitive training. Despite the development of the field in Europe and in the United States, no programmes have been developed and tested in developing countries. Different backgrounds, budget restrictions, and other difficulties may render treatment packages created in high income countries difficult for adoption by developing nations. We performed a pilot double-blind, randomized, controlled trial in order to investigate the efficacy and feasibility of an attention and memory training programme specially created in
a developing nation. The intervention used simple, widely available materials, required minimal infrastructure, and was conducted in groups.The sample included seventeen stable Brazilians with schizophrenia. Sessions were conducted weekly during five months. The cognitive training group showed significant improvements in inhibitory control and set-shifting over time. Both groups showed improvements in symptoms, processing speed, selective attention, executive function, and long-term visual memory. Improvements were found in the control group in long-term verbal memory and concentration. Our findings reinforce the idea that cognitive training in schizophrenia can be constructed using simple resources and infrastructure, facilitating its adoption by developing countries, and it may improve cognition.
Int J Ment Health Syst. 2013 Jan 9;7(1):2. doi: 10.1186/1752-4458-7-2.
Q7: What is the effectiveness, safety and role of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, within non- specialist health care for children with a diagnosis of Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
Roubles de l’humeur
Chapitre E.4
Edition en français Traduction : Cora Cravero Sous la direction de : David Cohen Avec le soutien de la SFPEADA
Autres troubles
Chapitre H.4
Autres troubles
Chapitre H.2
Edition en français Traduction : Vladimir Ferrafiat Sous la direction de : Priscille Gérardin Avec le soutien de la SFPEADA
The objective of this book is to provide health workers with easily accessible information on important aspects of the medicines commonly used at primary care level in Zimbabwe. Medicines are a crucial part of the management of most of our patients, yet many medicines are potentially dangerous if no...t used correctly (by either prescriber or patient). It is important to have up-to-date information not only on the indications for, and the dose of a particular medicine, but also the contra-indications and reasons for special care, possible side effects and interactions with other medicine or medicines. The patient must also have information on how to use the preparation, what side effects may occur, and when to return for help.
Geflüchtete Menschen, die bei uns Schutz suchen, haben häufig Bürgerkrieg, Verfolgung und Gewalt erlebt, ein Teil von ihnen leidet an psychisch reaktiven Traumafolgestörungen, die im Asylverfahren oftmals nur unzureichend bemerkt werden, was ihre Chancen einschränkt, einen sicheren Aufenthalt z...u erhalten.
A community-based approach.
These guidelines focus on manmade rather than natural disasters, but our experiences in India, El Salvador and Pakistan (earthquake interventions), and following the 2004 tsunami, cyclone Nargis in 2008 and the Haiti earthquake in 2010, showed that the principles describ...ed also work well in contexts of natural disasters.
Рассматриваются факторы, оказывающие влияние на процесс медикосоциальной реабилитации больных с пограничными психическими расстройствами в современном социуме..., подходы к реабилитации психического здоровья населения. Приводятся результаты авторского исследования медикосоциальных аспектов реабилитации больных с пограничными психическими расстройствами, направленной на коррекцию показателей качества жизни, величину которых определяют нарушения психического состояния и социализации пациента. В исследовании доказывается, что приоритетные направления медикосоциальной реабилитации у данной категории больных определяются возникающими вследствие заболевания изменениями в психологической сфере, социальных отношениях и окружающей среде.
The World Health Organization Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems (WHO-AIMS) was used to collect information on the mental health system in Ghana for the year 2011. The goal of collecting this information is to improve the mental health system and to provide a baseline for monitoring the... change. This will enable Ghana to develop information based mental health plans with clear base-line information and targets. It will also be useful to monitor progress in implementing reform policies, providing community services, and involving users, families and other stakeholders in mental health promotion, prevention and rehabilitation.