hese are two parallel guidelines, one for small hospitals and another one for large hospitals. In view of heavy burden of malaria and prevalence of drug resistant falciparum malaria in the South-East Asia Region, the guidelines were developed for use by medical personnel who treat severe malaria pat...ients, referred from lower-level health facilities. The guidelines were developed by the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia and the WHO Collaborating Centre for the Clinical Management of Malaria, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand. The guidelines are based on a review of current evidence, existing WHO guidelines and experience in the management of malaria in the Region
It focuses on nine major priority areas, namely: Leadership and Governance for Health; Health Service Delivery; Human Resources for Health; Health Financing; Health Information Systems; Health Technologies; Community Ownership and Participation; Partnerships for Health Development; and Researc...h for Health.
In many countries neonatal tetanus is responsible for half of all neonatal deaths due to vaccine-preventable diseases and for almost 14% of al¡ infant deaths. It is estimated that in the 1970s more than 10,000 newborns died annually from neonatal tetanus in the Americas. Neonatal tetanus is prevent...ed by immunization and/or assuring clean delivery and post-delivery practices.
Core Indicators 2019: Health Trends in the Americas starts with a demographic overview of the Americas to demonstrate how the Region has changed over 25 years. These key demographic indicators provide valuable context to better understand the population’s characteristics and their impact on health.... Brief narratives accompany the graphics to highlight important information.
It is estimated that prior to the war there were more than 250 000 people (1% of total population) living with HIV in Ukraine, of whom around 130 000 were receiving antiretroviral therapy.
As the displacement of people from Ukraine escalates, it is imperative that countries across Europe receivin...g these displaced people are prepared to ensure high standards of HIV prevention, treatment and care.
Scientific Brief, 17 June 2021
People with asthma (PWA) generally are considered at higher risk from respiratory infections, as is seen annually with influenza. At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, PWA were widely assumed to be at increased risk from COVID-19. However, as data emerged throughout 2020, the association between a...sthma and COVID-19 appeared less clear.
Comment The Lancet Volume 397, ISSUE 10269, P72-74, January 09, 2021
Published:December 08, 2020DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32623-4
Lancet Glob Health 2020Published OnlineNovember 27, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30449-6
Accessed on 22.11.2020
Early Childhood Development - Burkina Faso
Parents and caregivers need
a facilitating environment of
laws, policies, services and
community support to assist
them in providing their young
children with nurturing care.
The Pharmacovigilance team in WHO aims to assure the safety of medicines and vaccines by ensuring reliable and timely exchange of information on safety issues, promoting pharmacovigilance activities throughout the Organization and encouraging participation in the WHO Programme for International Drug... Monitoring. This text was developed in consultation with the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring and the national pharmacovigilance centres participating in the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring.
Climate-related disasters, heatwaves, climate-sensitive diseases, and severe droughts and floods are taking lives and harming health, livelihoods, and ecosystems across the countries of the Caribbean, as in other Small Island Developing States (SIDS) around the world. In recognition of the high vuln...erability of those countries, the World Health Organization launched in 2017 the Special Initiative on Climate Change and Health in Small Island Developing States, aiming to increase the resilience of these countries and territories to climate variability and climate change
Временные рекомендации
17 января 2020 г.
Цель настоящего документа – предоставить временные рекомендации лабораториям и субъектам, занятым в работах по лаборатор...ному тестированию пациентов в случаях, соответствующих определению подозрительных на пневмонию, ассоциированную с новым коронавирусом, выявленным в Ухане, Китай (см. Surveillance case definitions for human infection with novel coronavirus, Interim guidance (Эпиднадзор за случаями инфекции человека, вызванной новым коронавирусом, временные рекомендации (на английском языке)).
BMC Health Services Research (2019) 19:458 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-4315-7