The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been facing a sociopolitical and economic situation that has negatively impacted social and health indicators. There have been intensified population movements both within the country and to other countries, particularly to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia,... Costa Rica, Curaçao, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay. Since 2017, an estimated 5.2 million Venezuelans have migrated to other countries, including an estimated 4.3 million who have gone to countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Este artículo analiza un grupo particularmente vulnerable a la pandemia de la COVID-2019: las personas privadas de libertad (PPLs). Con base en el análisis del Censo Carcelario de 2019, presentamos la situación actual de las PPLs y las condiciones de los establecimient...os penitenciarios de Bolivia, con énfasis en los aspectos que impactan en la salud. Posteriormente, identificamos los principales factores estructurales detrás de la mayor vulnerabilidad epidemiológica y sanitaria de las PPLs, no solo a la COVID-2019, sino a epidemias en general. Diferentes instituciones involucradas en el combate de la pandemia desarrollaron recomendaciones para su prevención y tratamiento en contextos carcelarios. Considerando estas recomendaciones y los datos de la situación de las PPLs de Bolivia, desarrollamos propuestas de reformas políticas y legales para reducir la vulnerabilidad epidemiológica de esta población. Argumentamos que, mientras algunas son sencillas de implementar, muchas se enfrentan a obstáculos estructurales para su ejecución, demandando reformas profundas en la política carcelaria y el sistema penal.
A Handbook for country programmes
These guidelines provide a framework for effective action to facilitate access to safe and ethical
testing services for different population groups. The implementation of the a comprehensive
approach, known as HIV Testing Services (HTS) is cardinal as an effective package of services
that diminis...hes the impact of the HIV epidemic in our country. All forms of HTS adhere to
the 5Cs: Confidentiality, Counselling, Consent, Correct results and Connection, or linkage
to care, with all based within a human right context. In addition to the 5Cs, however, the
MOHCDGEC emphasizes the use of a variety of approaches to HTS that will reduce the
number of missed opportunities. These include Provider-Initiated Testing and Counselling
testing, Couple counselling and testing, Index testing, and infant and children counselling and
testing in alignment to the revised WHO guidelines. Furthermore, these guidelines accentuate
on the continual provision of integrated HTS service at all levels of the public and private
health service delivery system.
The HTS Providers, managers and other stakeholders