Over the 20 years that followed, this unique partnership has invested more than US$53 billion, saving 44 million lives and reducing the combined death rate from the three diseases by more than half in the countries in which the Global Fund invests.
Clincial Practice Guidelines
Savoir pour Sauver rassemble des informations qui permettent de sauver la vie d’enfants, d’améliorer leur existence et de les protéger. Ces informations devraient être diffusées à grande échelle auprès des familles, des agents de santé, des enseignants, des associations de jeunes ou de f...emmes, des organisations communautaires, des fonctionnaires, des employeurs, des syndicats, des médias et des organisations non gouvernementales, ainsi que confessionnelles.
Chapter 21 from "Where there is no doctor"
Handbook on pregnancy, childbirth, childhood illnesses, child development and the care of children. The handbook, Facts for Life, provides vital messages and information for mothers, fathers, other family members and caregivers and communities to use in changing behaviours and practices that can sav...e and protect the lives of children and help them grow and develop to their full potential.
This version of Facts for Life builds on the three previous editions, which have been helping families and communities around the world since 1989. Newborn Health has been added to the Safe Motherhood chapter, giving attention to child survival from the first stage of life. A new chapter, Child Protection, has been included, focusing attention on the actions needed to ensure children grow up in protective environments.
The IMCI model handbook provides a detailed explanation of the IMCI case management guidelines. It is organized into seven main parts: overview of the IMCI process; assess and classify the sick child age 2 months up to 5 years; assess and classify the sick young infant age 1 week up to 2 months; ide...ntify treatment; treat the sick child or the sick young infant; communicate and counsel; and give follow-up care.
Teaching institutions are advised to adapt the handbook in two ways:
to ensure that all text, charts and illustrations are consistent with nationally-adapted IMCI clinical guidelines, and
to ensure that its content and format corresponds to the teaching approach used by the institution.
The information provided here can be used to understand the current situation, increase attention to preterm births in Rwanda and to inform dialogue and action among stakeholders. Data can be used to identify the most important risk factors to target and gaps in care in order to identify and impleme...nt solutions for improved outcomes.
The information provided here can be used to understand the current situation, increase attention to preterm births in Rwanda and to inform dialogue and action among stakeholders. Data can be used to identify the most important risk factors to target and gaps in care in order to identify and impleme...nt solutions for improved outcomes.
Immunization is among the most successful and cost effective public health interventions in preventing a child from dying before celebrating his or her first birthday. It is a priority intervention within Uganda’s minimum health care package which directly contributes to the Ministry of Health vis...ion and goal. Accessed Febr. 23,2017
Design and Illustration Ioanna Aravani